Section 17.20 Rights and Responsibilities
Rights and Responsibilities
Code of Rights and Responsibilities
The Code of Rights and Responsibilities [] sets the standards of conduct for all members of the Concordia community — staff, faculty and students, and applies to incidents that occur on campus, during an on- or off-campus university-sponsored activity or event, or during an activity or event that has a substantive link to the University. The Code also promotes equity, respect and diversity and seeks to address behaviours such as discrimination, violence, and harassment. The Code of Rights and Responsibilities states:
1. The Code of Rights and Responsibilities (the “Code”) has, as its grounding principles, the values of civility, equity, respect, non-discrimination and an appreciation of diversity as manifested within the University and within society-at-large.
Rights Prompted and Protected by the Code
2. All Members of the University, as defined in Section III of the Code, may reasonably expect to pursue their work, studies and other activities related to University life in a safe and civil environment. As such, neither the University nor any of its Members shall condone any conduct which adversely affects the University or any of its Members.
3. All Members have the freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression; freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, the whole subject to the limits recognized by law and University policies and procedures:
Access the entire Code of Rights and Responsibilities at the following link for more information on the mandate and functions of the Office of Rights and Responsibilities:
To consult with an advisor, visit the Office of Rights and Responsibilities web page at: