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Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program

The Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program is offered to eligible Indigenous students, specifically from First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities located in Canada, seeking an alternative admission pathway to the undergraduate program of their choice. Students acquire the prerequisite courses and skills to access and transition into the undergraduate program of their choice at Concordia University. For the admissions criteria, please see Section 14.5 Admission as a Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program Student.

Please see the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program website for more information:

Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program for General BSc (37 credits)



KNBP 200 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar I (1.50)
KNBP 201 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar II (1.50)
UNSS 200 Self‑Management Strategies (1.50)
UNSS 201 Successful Study Strategies (1.50)



BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)
CHEM 205 General Chemistry I (3.00)
MATH 201 Elementary Functions (3.00)
MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)
PHYS 204 Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 224 Introductory Experimental Mechanics (1.00)



ENGL 210 Introduction to Essay Writing (3.00)
ENGL 212 English Composition — Stage I (3.00)

3credits of elective courses

credits chosen from the appropriate BSc Bridging Stream:

Biology Stream

Chemistry Stream

Geography, Planning and Environment Stream

Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology Stream

Mathematics and Statistics Stream

Neuroscience Stream

Physics Stream

Psychology Stream

Note: Students who are exempt from any required courses are responsible for replacing these credits in consultation with the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging advisor.

Note: The following courses cannot be used for credit in any undergraduate degree, Certificate or Microprogram:

KNBP 200, KNBP 201; UNSS 200, UNSS 201.

Biology Stream



CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)

Chemistry Stream



CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)


Geography, Planning and Environment Stream


credits chosen from:

BIOL 225 Form and Function of Organisms (3.00)
BIOL 226 Biodiversity and Ecology (3.00)
CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)
GEOG 272 The Natural Environment: Air and Water (3.00)
GEOL 210 Introduction to the Earth (3.00)

Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology Stream



CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)

Note: Students may register for EXCI 253 or KCEP 210 instead of CHEM 206 if recommended by the academic advisor.

Mathematics and Statistics Stream



MATH 204 Vectors and Matrices (3.00)

Neuroscience Stream


credits of elective courses

Note: Students may register for MATH 204 if recommended by the academic advisor.

Physics Stream


credits chosen from:

PHYS 205 Electricity and Magnetism (3.00)
PHYS 284 Introduction to Astronomy (3.00)

Psychology Stream



PSYC 205 Introductory Psychology (3.00)

Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program for BA Journalism (24 credits)



KNBP 200 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar I (1.50)
KNBP 201 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar II (1.50)
UNSS 200 Self‑Management Strategies (1.50)
UNSS 201 Successful Study Strategies (1.50)


credits chosen from:

ENGL 210 Introduction to Essay Writing (3.00)
ENGL 212 English Composition — Stage I (3.00)
JOUR 206 Introduction to Reporting (3.00)



JOUR 205 Principles of Journalistic Thought and Practice (3.00)
JOUR 207 Introduction to Multimedia (3.00)
JOUR 212 Introduction to Indigenous Journalism (3.00)


credits chosen from:

JOUR 209 Intermediate Multimedia (3.00)
JOUR 216 Law and Ethics in Journalism (3.00)
JOUR 298 Special Topics in Journalism (3.00)

Note: The following courses cannot be used for credit in any undergraduate degree, Certificate or Microprogram: KNBP 200, KNBP 201, UNSS 200, UNSS 201.


Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program for BA Psychology (24 credits)



KNBP 200 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar I (1.50)
KNBP 201 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar II (1.50)
UNSS 200 Self‑Management Strategies (1.50)
UNSS 201 Successful Study Strategies (1.50)



PSYC 205 Introductory Psychology (3.00)

6credits chosen from one of the following options:

Option 1:

ENCS 272 Composition and Argumentation for Engineers (3.00)
ENCS 282 Technical Writing and Communication (3.00)

Option 2:

ENGL 207 Fundamentals of Written English – Stage II (3.00)
ENGL 210 Introduction to Essay Writing (3.00)
ENGL 212 English Composition — Stage I (3.00)
ENGL 213 English Composition — Stage II (3.00)


credits chosen from:

BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)
BIOL 202 General Biology (3.00)



MATH 200 Fundamental Concepts of Algebra (3.00)

3credits of elective courses

Note: Students who are exempt from any required courses are responsible for replacing these credits in consultation with the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging advisor.

Note: The following courses cannot be used for credit in any undergraduate degree, Certificate or Microprogram: KNBP 200, KNBP 201, UNSS 200, UNSS 201.

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