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Applied Human Sciences Courses


This survey course provides an interdisciplinary overview of biopsychosocial patterns of development over the lifespan, from conception to death. Students learn about theories of human development, with an emphasis on typical normative development, and on application of theory to practice. The course material covers key issues in development, major milestones of development, and major life events. In addition, students are given opportunities to think critically and to become better able to interpret and assess research within the field.


Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students registered in a Psychology program may not take this course for credit.
  • Students who have received credit for PSYC 230 may not take this course for credit.


This course is designed to provide a theoretical overview of how relationships are formed, sustained, and developed/changed in each stage of human life. A variety of theories and perspectives are explored.




  • AHSC students may not take this course for credit.
  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 220 or for this topic under an AHSC 298 number may not take this course for credit.


This course introduces students to the ways in which theories of learning (including experiential, transformational, integral and action learning) relate to and can inform efforts to bring improvement and change to individuals and groups. The course explores the importance of personal engagement in learning, and illustrates how ongoing reflection strengthens a learning process. It enables students to create clear personal visions, set relevant learning goals, create and organize related activities, and assess their progress. The course provides learning process models and ways to identify personal stylistic differences which affect personal learning progress and strategies.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


This course is designed to provide knowledge and skill in building and maintaining interpersonal relationships characterized by mutual understanding and respect. Students can expect to enhance their understanding of themselves and their personal styles. The course focuses on effective communication behaviour. Students can expect to improve their abilities to attend to verbal and non‑verbal communication; exchange constructive feedback with others; address and deal constructively with conflict; and communicate across differences, such as gender and race. Conceptual perspectives include the contextual influences in relationship dynamics and the role of affect in interpersonal communication. The course also examines value considerations.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 230.


This course is an introduction to understanding interaction and developmental processes of small groups and skill‑building for effective participation. It enables students to learn frameworks for observing a group’s process, member roles that facilitate positive group processes and task accomplishment, and models of intervention in small groups. The course provides opportunities for students to integrate the theory they learn with their experiences in a task group.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


This course introduces students to the theories and relationships of play, perceptions of free and discretionary time, concepts of leisure, and the historical foundations for the discipline. The concepts are presented as integral components of today’s lifestyle. In addition, the organized recreation system is examined, with an introduction to the leisure services delivery system. The students also examine the role that leisure plays in current societal issues.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 242 may not take this course for credit.


The course prepares students to construct effective interactive programs designed for specific client populations. Using program design principles and practices, students match learning activities to desired program outcomes, while considering participant qualities and contextual features. Emphasis is placed on assessment, design, and evaluation knowledge and skills.




This course is an introduction to general systems theory and change from an interventionist perspective, as well as an orientation to various unique human systems. It focuses on understanding applied social science research and examines general strategies of intervention and salient models of practice, exposing students to varied domains of application. The course also features attention to values and ethical issues associated with specific practice and intervention strategies and the role of social justice and anti‑oppressive approaches.




An examination of the fundamental concepts of therapeutic recreation. Included is the study of the historical foundations and the basic terminology, purposes, and theories of therapeutic recreation.




Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 241, AHSC 260, AHSC 281.


This course provides an overview of the ways leisure and therapeutic recreation practice can contribute to exclusion as well as support inclusion. By recognizing that exclusion happens when interconnected identity-related differences (e.g., race, class, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation) result in a lack of opportunities for full participation in society, this course examines how exclusion exists within the realm of leisure. This course examines how inclusion encourages respect for differences and how the removal of obstacles allows for participation in community life. This course identifies ways leisure spaces and practices support inclusion across a range of differences. Each student is required to complete a 16-hour placement at an organization that supports individuals at risk of exclusion.




This course presents an examination of the tourism industry in Canada, including concepts, research, practices, and promotion. Topics covered include destination motivation, commercial recreation, business travel, trends in tourism development, government agencies, the economics of promotion, social objectives, market segmentation, and ethical and legal considerations.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 230. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course examines the role of interconnected identity‑related differences, such as age, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, health status, history, language, power, race, religion, sexual orientation, social class, and privilege in human relationships and human systems. Students learn about histories of oppression and marginalization in Canada, theories of diversity and difference, as well as the impact of social justice movements and being and becoming an ally. Students are given opportunities to develop critical thinking and analytic skills and respect for difference and diversity.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 245 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220 and AHSC 230. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling, or students must be enrolled in the Major or Minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality.


This course provides students with knowledge of physical and psychosocial aspects of sexuality in relationships through life and examines values, attitudes, and issues related to the development and expression of sexuality. Topics include gender, family, cultural and media influences; historically and culturally based attitudes; prevention and sexually transmitted diseases; self‑perception and identity in sexuality; and emotion and sexuality. The course aims to foster respect for persons and diversity.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 253 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220, AHSC 230.


This course is a requirement for students enrolled in the Certificate in Family Life Education. This course is an examination of patterns, effective approaches, and issues in communication among persons in primary partnerships and families. It also explores topics such as diversity in forms of “family,” decision‑making, problem‑solving, power relations, gender issues, managing differences in expectations, and the influences of cultural, social, and economic contexts.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 254 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220.


This course links knowledge of adolescent development to a more detailed examination of related adolescent patterns and issues, including peer relations and friendship, parental and family relations, identity, sexuality and gender, and socio‑economic and cultural influences. Directed towards students interested in working with adolescents, the course combines theoretical and practical knowledge relating to adolescents, their parents and their concerns for the purpose of enhancing the adolescent experience.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 230.


This course reviews different forms and concepts relevant to interviewing for use in work and community settings. It examines communication influences on the interviewer and interviewee and the limitations of different interview approaches. It enables students to structure and design interviews, to build rapport, and to manage information flow.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 256 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220.


This course examines relationships, transitions, and developmental change through early adulthood and middle age. Relevant adult development theories are reviewed. Students explore the nature and significance of close relationships, life transitions, choices and contextual influences. This course includes a consideration of the societal values inherent in notions of maturity, optimal environments, and interventions to enhance quality of life.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220.


This course explores developmental change patterns and differences among people in older adulthood. Topics include retirement and pensions, concepts of health, fitness, well‑being and models of health care, housing and transportation, leisure, family and social relations, ethnicity and aging, loss and grief, death and dying. Designed for persons interested in working with older adults, the course fosters awareness of myths, stereotypes and ageism, and emphasizes an attention to community social support and interventions which are enabling.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220.


This course reviews all aspects of federal and provincial legislation that impact on practice with families. Legislation governing marriage, divorce and custody, family violence, child and youth protection and placement, youth crime, child advocacy and the challenges of working with families in relation to the legislation, are presented with a particular focus on the rights of children and the legal responsibilities of practitioners.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 241. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course offers an overview of leisure and recreation throughout history, highlighting selected major trends among different historical eras. This includes the historical and philosophical roots of leisure, the conditions in society that have affected leisure, the responses to those conditions, and the role of leisure in contemporary life. This course offers an opportunity to analyze the values, beliefs and ethics relating to leisure that shape modern traditions and cultures.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 215, HIST 215, PHIL 255 or for this topic under an AHSC 298 number may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220.


The objectives of this course are to provide students with an understanding of the scope and status of child‑ and youth‑care work, to sensitize them to the necessary competencies and daily challenges of this work in a range of settings, and to review relevant theory. An overview of the history of the field is provided, as well as a review of seminal writings and recent literature on best practices.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 402 or for this topic under an AHSC 398 number may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 241. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course focuses on theory and empirical research concerning the relationships between gender and leisure. This includes topics such as the effect of gender on leisure meanings, constraints to leisure, and participation in leisure. In addition, this course explores the cultural influences of leisure related to gender identity and gender relations. As part of this, the course explores the role that leisure plays as a significant site for the social construction and contestation of gender. Emphasis is placed on understanding ways in which gender relations and gender role expectations affect and are affected by leisure.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 232, AHSC 260 .


This experiential course develops facilitative approaches and skills for leadership in small groups. Students learn to distinguish between traditional concepts of leadership and more contemporary facilitative styles. Frameworks and skills integrating group process observation, effective intervention, and design for human and social service organizations relevant to purposeful small group learning are explored. Students identify their own leadership strengths and cultivate facilitation skills to develop flexibility in adapting to diverse group situations.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 330 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 230, AHSC 270.


This course introduces students to the characteristics of organizations as open systems. The evolution of organization development and the principle theories and perspectives that have helped to define the field are studied. Organization development methods as well as criteria for examining organizational effectiveness, underlying beliefs, values, and assumptions are examined. It introduces students to training and design theories relevant to organizational learning. Key concepts covered are organization vision, mission and goals, and organization norms and culture.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 420 or 423 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 241. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course examines the state of the natural environment, and explains how leisure service providers play a crucial leadership role in fulfilling the needs of both the public and the environment.




Students must complete 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course gives students a theoretical and practical overview of the role of power and conflict in human relationships and human systems — groups, organizations, and communities. The concept of power is explored in depth since the use of power is central in both the creation and the resolution of conflict. The course focuses on the development of analytical tools that serve to identify the different elements leading to, maintaining or escalating conflicts. Particular attention is given to ethics associated with the use of power and management of conflict.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220, AHSC 281.


This course gives an overview of the role of therapeutic recreation services for individuals living with disabilities. It focuses on physical, cognitive and emotional diagnostic criteria, analyzes the facilitators and constraints to recreation participation along with the planning and designing of a safe and accessible recreational environment.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 383 or AHSC 384 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 230, AHSC 270.


This course examines the field of community development through the presentation of basic models. The examination of these models in historical and environmental contexts focuses on understanding how they reflect different views of social relationships. Students explore different approaches to working with communities and the implications for practice. The course introduces students to design theory relevant to community development. Students also examine ways of analyzing and defining community resources, problems, and issues.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 440 or 443 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 241, AHSC 260, AHSC 281. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course explores current therapeutic recreation practices with emphasis on the therapeutic recreation assessment and planning process in community and clinical settings with a variety of clientele. Students critically examine therapeutic recreation theories and models to understand how they provide a framework for assessing clients and planning therapeutic recreation services at comprehensive and specific program levels.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 450 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 241, AHSC 260.


This course offers an introduction to the field of leisure education in therapeutic recreation and leisure services. The history and underlying philosophy of the concept is presented. The roles of the school, community, and community‑serving agencies are examined. Existing models are analyzed and discussed.


Lecture; Fieldwork


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 232. The following courses must be completed previously or concurrently: AHSC 260 and AHSC 313.


This course examines Family Life Education from its inception as a field of practice to its current status in North America. It highlights complex related issues and the role of the educator, including attention to personal values and ethical principles of the practitioner. Topics include distinctions between prevention education and therapeutic intervention, and an overview of the range of different family life education programs and current practices.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 220. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course examines the concept of play in adult learning and development. Gender, age, ethnic and social class diversity are explored as they relate to adult play behaviour.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 230, AHSC 241.


This course offers an analysis of leadership theory and its application to leisure services. Major topics are the principles and practices of leadership, group dynamics, leadership skill development and program planning, and the unique role of the leisure leader.


Lecture; Workshop


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 270, AHSC 332.


The focus of this course is on the practice of human system intervention from a pragmatic as well as a theoretical perspective. The course emphasizes collaborative strategies for effecting change in human systems within a broad range of intervention alternatives. It focuses on the interventionist’s role in effective change strategy development, initiation, management, and evaluation. The course is taught with a special focus on personal and professional values and ethical issues related to human systems intervention.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 241, AHSC 260. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


The course focuses on the application of recreation planning, theory, and skills. It examines methods and procedures used to assess client needs, design and deliver programs and services, and evaluate their impact. Practical experience is gained through a combination of field experience, project planning, and group work.


Lecture; Fieldwork


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 260. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course gives an overview of a range of data collection and analysis strategies which are relevant to collaborative and participative intervention practice. It examines practical considerations for selecting specific quantitative approaches and prepares students to formulate and administer intervention‑related questionnaires, to conduct basic quantitative analyses, and to present data results to interested individuals and groups. The course also examines basic ethical requirements in conducting applied social research.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 260. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course gives an overview of a range of qualitative approaches to practical projects and interventions. It prepares students to design and conduct interviews (including making decisions about respondent selection) with individuals and in focus groups, as well as participant observation. It also enables students to analyze qualitative data from these sources as well as documentary sources in light of practical project purposes. The course highlights special ethical considerations in conducting qualitative forms of applied social research.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 241. Students must have completed 24 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course deepens students’ understanding of how personal and social factors shape individuals’ perceptions and experiences of recreation and leisure. Students engage in a critical review of current theory and research focusing on the relationship between leisure and individual functioning, and applications to human problems associated with leisure.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 285, PSYC 286 or for this topic under an AHSC 298 number may not take this course for credit.


This course presents Indigenous perspectives and knowledges in a broad array of topics, with the objective of providing the background necessary to understand the history of European-Canadian and First Nations, Métis and Inuit Relations, as well as the impacts of social policy on Indigenous Peoples. Students explore concepts of decolonization and the long-existent, yet often overlooked, contribution of Indigenous knowledges across social science disciplines. This exposure is also accompanied by the reflection on the ethics of working with Indigenous peoples and communities. Students learn to think critically about the ways that Indigenous “social problems” are presented in society, in particular academia, the media and the helping professions.




Specific topics for this course, and relevant prerequisites, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.


Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 331. Students must have completed 45 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course examines in‑depth special challenges in facilitating groups (e.g. youth groups, workplace training, and education programs) and develops advanced skills in facilitation and the development of process tools and designs. Special consideration is given to planning for diversity, working with difficult group dynamics, and other factors. Ethical principles and practices of working with people are also explored.


Lecture; Laboratory Human Relations


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 232 or AHSC 361.


This course explores the multi‑faceted nature of creativity and its cultivation as a method of personal and professional development. Drawing upon current theories and conceptions about creativity, both individual and social, this course identifies strategies to enhance creativity in human systems in order to improve engagement and quality of life. Social innovation as a dimension of community and organizational creativity is examined in depth.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 260; AHSC 332 or AHSC 343.


This course is designed to enhance students’ knowledge and practical abilities in social analysis and community‑based research methods as tools for promoting social change in community and organizational contexts. It includes hands‑on opportunities to design and present social analysis methods. Course readings include practical and analytical materials.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 270 or LOYC 320. Students must have completed 30 credits prior to enrolling.


This course addresses the requirements and processes necessary to build organizational and community sustainable goals in co‑operation with surrounding communities. It provides an introduction to the development of integrated social sustainability and sustainable organizational practices, including sustainability evaluations, the assessment of organizational sustainability status and goals, goal setting, and change processes within a broader, sustainable community context. It acknowledges an integration of multiple layers of organizational (private and public organizations) and community sustainability including recycling and waste awareness, best sustainable practices in industries and logistics, biodiversity, human diversity and social innovation in the context of sustainable development of communities and organizations.


Lecture; Fieldwork


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 241. Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course provides students with a theoretical understanding of the complexity of providing leisure services in the province of Quebec. The course examines the administration of leisure services in municipal, regional, provincial, and federal governments. The course examines law as it applies to aspects of recreational activities in the areas of organization, supervision, and participation. The course covers the Quebec Civil Code, the Canadian Constitution, and the Quebec and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as they apply to the study of leisure.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220, AHSC 241, AHSC 260. Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course develops an understanding of the leisure needs of youth from emotional, physical, psychological, and sociological perspectives. Major areas of discussion include leisure preferences and needs assessment, strategies for programming, dealing with youth‑at‑risk, and recreational opportunities for youth.


Lecture; Fieldwork


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 331, AHSC 332. Students must have completed 30 credits prior to enrolling.


This course provides students with the opportunity to apply organization development concepts and strategies to effect change in organizations. Using theoretical, case, and experiential approaches, the focus of instruction progressively guides the student through the stages of organization development. Concepts covered include entry and contracting, identifying organizational issues and goals for change, collecting and analyzing pertinent organizational data, and diagnosis and feedback to the client. Opportunities for the development of change‑agent skills are provided through the emphasis on in‑class applications.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 420 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 361; AHSC 348 or AHSC 371. Students must have completed 60 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course offers an analysis of the processes involved in planning and managing therapeutic recreation and leisure service delivery systems. Topics to be studied include principles of planning, organization, budgeting, and supervision.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 321, AHSC 361, AHSC 371, AHSC 385. Students must have completed 60 university credits prior to enrolling.


This is a third‑year interdisciplinary seminar in which students can tie together all they have learned in the Recreation and Leisure Studies program. Additionally, students are set on a course of study that should continue after they graduate so that they can keep up with future developments in this area.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 321, AHSC 338, AHSC 361, AHSC 448. Students must have completed 60 university credits prior to enrolling.


This is a third‑year interdisciplinary seminar in which students can tie together all that they have learned in the Therapeutic Recreation program. Additionally, students are set on a course of study that should continue after they graduate so that they can keep up with future developments in this area.




The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 331. The following courses must be completed previously or concurrently: AHSC 400 or AHSC 425 or AHSC 445. Students must complete 60 university credits prior to enrolling. Permission of the Department is required for students enrolled in the Certificate in Family Life Education.


The course provides students with an opportunity to apply skills acquired through their coursework in Human Relations by carrying out a project with a client organization in the community. The course includes classroom sessions, tutorials, coordination and planning with a team of peers, and a field-based group project.


Lecture; Fieldwork; Field Studies


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 435 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 331; AHSC 322 or AHSC 355. The following course must be completed previously or concurrently: AHSC 465. Students must have completed 60 credits prior to enrolling. Permission from the Department is required.


This course is one of two internship options for students enrolled in the Specialization in Human Relations. This internship provides students with a supervised opportunity to apply learning from the BA Specialization in Human Relations to work with youth and families in a range of settings such as child welfare, schools, non‑profit organizations, residential care, or outreach. The specific objectives are to teach about planning, education, and intervention in human service work, to promote self‑reflection as a critical component of ethical practice, and to provide a basis for further career planning and/or graduate work in youth and family practice.


Practicum/Internship/Work Term


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 439 or for this topic under an AHSC 499 number may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 361, AHSC 371. Students must have completed 60 credits prior to enrolling. Permission from the Department is required.


This course provides students with an opportunity to design, implement, and evaluate programs; to facilitate groups in a variety of settings; and to establish working relationships with field personnel. In consultation with their supervisors, students select a site related to their learning interests. Students learn to develop and manage their own project and to self‑assess their work. The course includes fieldwork, seminars, and team meetings.


Practicum/Internship/Work Term


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 331.


This course is one of two internship options for students enrolled in the Specialization in Human Relations. This course provides students with an opportunity to design, implement, and evaluate small group leadership in several settings, and to negotiate working relationships with site personnel. Students will be solely responsible for facilitating several tasks or learning groups in community, work, or educational settings. The sites will be selected according to students’ learning interests and in consultation with the course instructor. The course includes supervisory team meetings and internship seminar sessions.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 361; AHSC 348 or AHSC 371. Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course involves the examination of philosophical and theoretical community development approaches in the field of leisure studies. Students explore the numerous elements of community development practice including citizen engagement, relationship building, and community capacity. Students develop their understanding of current trends in community development and critically examine its implications for practice in the context of leisure.


Lecture; Fieldwork


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220, AHSC 241, AHSC 260. Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course examines the aging process in the physical, cognitive, and affective domains. It familiarizes the student with the characteristics of the aging population as related to leisure, recreation, and lifestyle. It focuses on developing and understanding the impact of lifelong leisure in the aging process. The course reviews issues related to the phenomenon of leisure in retirement and discusses the process of delivering leisure services to older individuals.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 331, AHSC 343. Students must have completed 30 credits prior to enrolling.


This course focuses on how to intervene in community contexts; identify community structures and inter‑group dynamics relevant to intervention planning; gather and organize data for use by communities; develop intervention plans that involve the community each step of the way and that foster leadership within its ranks; and evaluate an intervention. Attention is given to cultural diversity and value differences.


Lecture; Fieldwork


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 440 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 348.


This course explores current therapeutic recreation practices with emphasis on the implementation and evaluation of Therapeutic Recreation services. Students critically examine Therapeutic Recreation theories and models to understand how they provide a framework for providing TR services. Students apply the Therapeutic Recreation process in community and clinical settings with a variety of client groups.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 381 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 220, AHSC 230. Students must have completed 45 credits prior to enrolling.


This course introduces students to a common-factors approach to counselling and promotes an understanding of other theoretical and value frameworks for helping relationships with individuals. It fosters the application of essential helping relationship skills and provides an overview of the stages in the helping process. In this course, students practise relevant skills, including attending to non-verbal behaviour, reflection of content, reflection of feeling, and paraphrasing and summarizing. Also highlighted are ethical issues and attention to cultural differences.


Lecture; Laboratory (Human Relations)


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 351 or AHSC 451 may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 230. Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling.


In this course, students learn to develop theoretical understanding and practical skills in the area of health promotion. Applying a holistic definition of health, this course critically examines health and its social determinants from ecological and intersectional perspectives. Topics may include theories of health behaviour change, health literacy and health communication, mental health and life promotion, population health, community wellness, and healthy workplace practices.




The following courses must be completed previously: AHSC 232, AHSC 313, AHSC 380. Students must have completed 45 university credits prior to enrolling.


This course provides an advanced understanding of parenting theories, research, and applications in the context of parent‑child relations over the life span. Topics include parenting rights and responsibilities, parenting practices and programs, high‑risk parenting, and parental assessment.




  • Students who have received credit for this topic under an AHSC 498 number may not take this course for credit.


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 331. Students must have completed 60 university credits prior to enrolling.


This is an intensive format six‑day learning session through which students may expect to increase their awareness of how their behaviour affects others, increase their skill and understanding of effectively and responsibly communicating to and exchanging feedback with others, increase their understanding of leadership and authority relations, and deepen their understanding of group dynamics.


Laboratory (Human Relations)


The following course must be completed previously: AHSC 331.


This course is an introduction to the practice of leadership in organizations and communities with a human systems approach and perspective. It examines a range of theoretical concepts current in organizational leadership practice including systems thinking, team‑based leadership, transformational models of leadership, and strategy formulation from a leadership perspective. It provides an opportunity for students to examine ethics, values, and abilities required in organizational leadership today.




  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 375 may not take this course for credit.


The following courses must be completed previously: 60 university credits including AHSC 321, AHSC 338, AHSC 361, AHSC 448. Permission from the Department is required.


This course provides students with an opportunity to design, implement, and evaluate programs, to facilitate groups in a variety of settings, and to establish working relationships with field personnel. In consultation with their supervisors, students select a site related to their learning interests. Students learn to develop and manage their own project and to self‑assess their work. The course includes fieldwork, seminars, and team meetings.


Practicum/Internship/Work Term


  • Students who have received credit for AHSC 438 may not take this course for credit.


Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling. Permission from the Department is required.


Students work on topics in consultation with a study supervisor. The study may include readings, field studies, and/or research.


Independent Study


Students must have completed 30 university credits prior to enrolling. Permission from the Department is required.


Students work on topics in consultation with a study supervisor. The study may include readings, field studies, and/or research.


Independent Study



Specific topics for this course, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.


Specific topics for these courses, and prerequisites relevant in each case, are stated in the Undergraduate Class Schedule.

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