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BA Honours in the Human Environment

Program Requirements

Honours in the Human Environment (60 credits)

Stage I: Honours in the Human Environment (18 credits)



GEOG 220 Place, Space, and Identity (3.00)
GEOG 260 Mapping the Environment (3.00)
GEOG 272 The Natural Environment: Air and Water (3.00)
GEOG 274 The Natural Environment: Land and Life (3.00)
GEOG 290 Environment and Society (3.00)


credits chosen from:

GEOG 210 Geography of Global Change (3.00)
GEOL 210 Introduction to the Earth (3.00)
URBS 230 Urbanization: Global and Historical Perspectives (3.00)

Stage II: Honours in the Human Environment (24 credits)



GEOG 315 Social and Cultural Geographies (3.00)
GEOG 361 Research Design and Qualitative Methods (3.00)
GEOG 362 Statistical Methods (3.00)
GEOG 363 Geographic Information Systems (3.00)

12credits chosen from Group 1: Human Environment Electives and Group 2: Human Environment Electives with at least three credits from each group

Stage III: Honours in the Human Environment (18 credits)


credits of Geography elective courses at the 400 level



GEOG 491 Honours Essay and Research Seminar (6.00)


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their undergraduate program director. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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