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Certificate in Science Foundations

Program Requirements

Certificate in Science Foundations (30 credits)



BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)



CHEM 205 General Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)



MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 204 Vectors and Matrices (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)



PHYS 204 Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 205 Electricity and Magnetism (3.00)
PHYS 206 Waves and Modern Physics (3.00)
PHYS 224 Introductory Experimental Mechanics (1.00)
PHYS 225 Introductory Experimental Electricity (1.00)
PHYS 226 Introductory Experimental Waves and Modern Physics (1.00)

Additional Science Foundations Courses


BIOL 225 Form and Function of Organisms (3.00)
BIOL 226 Biodiversity and Ecology (3.00)
CHEM 221 Introductory Organic Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 222 Introductory Organic Chemistry II (3.00)
CHEM 271 Biochemistry I (3.00)
GEOG 260 Mapping the Environment (3.00)
GEOL 210 Introduction to the Earth (3.00)
MAST 218 Multivariable Calculus I (3.00)
MAST 221 Applied Probability (3.00)
MAST 234 Linear Algebra and Applications I (3.00)
MATH 222 Logic, Proofs, and Discrete Structures (3.00)
PHYS 232 Methods of Theoretical Physics I (3.00)
PHYS 252 Optics (3.00)
PHYS 253 Electricity and Magnetism I (3.00)



  • The Certificate in Science Foundations is a nondegree program that caters to students who wish to develop the necessary background for further study in undergraduate degree programs in Science. It also may be of interest to students whose preference is to follow a shorter program of study or who wish to update their knowledge or learn important basics of Science. The certificate requires successful completion of 30 credits.
  • Students may transfer into the certificate program credits earned in an incomplete degree or certificate program or as an Independent student, provided they are students in good standing. The credits that may be so transferred are determined by the University at the point of entry into the program. Students who are admitted to the Certificate in Science Foundations, and who wish to continue in a degree program, should apply for admission to their program within the first 30 credits.
  • In the event that a student is awarded an exemption from a required course, it will be necessary for the student to replace that course with another relevant to the program, chosen from the Additional Science Foundations Courses list, or in consultation with an academic advisor.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular program requirements.

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