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BA Honours in Philosophy

Program Requirements

Honours in Philosophy (60 credits)

Stage I: Honours in Philosophy (15 credits)




PHIL 214 Deductive Logic (3.00)
PHIL 232 Introduction to Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 260 Presocratics and Plato (3.00)
PHIL 261 Aristotle and Hellenistic Philosophy (3.00)


credits chosen from:


PHIL 220 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (3.00)
PHIL 263 Introduction to Epistemology (3.00)
PHIL 265 Introduction to Metaphysics (3.00)

Stage II: Honours in Philosophy (27 credits)



PHIL 360 Early Modern Philosophy I: 17th Century (3.00)
PHIL 361 Early Modern Philosophy II: 18th Century (3.00)


credits chosen from:

PHIL 318 Philosophy of Biology (3.00)
PHIL 328 Intermediate Philosophy of Science (3.00)
PHIL 364 Intermediate Epistemology (3.00)
PHIL 365 Intermediate Metaphysics (3.00)


credits chosen from:

PHIL 330 Contemporary Ethical Theory (3.00)
PHIL 342 Political Philosophy (3.00)


credits chosen from:

PHIL 362 Medieval Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 374 Kant and 19th‑Century Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 377 20th‑Century Continental Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 380 Chinese Philosophy: From Han to the 19th Century (3.00)

12credits of PHIL elective or cognate courses at the 300 or 400 level to be chosen in consultation with the Department

Stage III: Honours in Philosophy (18 credits)


credits chosen from:


PHIL 414 Advanced Topics in Logic (3.00)
PHIL 416 Philosophy of Language (3.00)
PHIL 420 Advanced Philosophy of Science (3.00)
PHIL 425 Philosophy of Mind: Cognitive Science (3.00)
PHIL 441 Philosophical Foundations of Biology (3.00)
PHIL 463 Current Research in Epistemology (3.00)
PHIL 464 Advanced Studies in Epistemology (3.00)
PHIL 465 Current Research in Metaphysics (3.00)
PHIL 467 Advanced Studies in Metaphysics (3.00)
PHIL 489 Phenomenology (3.00)


credits chosen from:


PHIL 429 Values and Biotechnology (3.00)
PHIL 430 Advanced Studies in Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 440 Advanced Political Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 471 Advanced Topics in Feminist Theory (3.00)


credits chosen from:


PHIL 480 Plato (3.00)
PHIL 481 Aristotle (3.00)
PHIL 482 Advanced Topics in Ancient Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 483 Advanced Topics in the History of Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 485 Kant (3.00)
PHIL 486 Hegel (3.00)
PHIL 487 Origins of Analytic Philosophy (3.00)

9credits of PHIL elective or cognate courses at the 400 level to be chosen in consultation with the Department


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their undergraduate program director. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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