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BSc Honours in Physics

Program Requirements

Honours in Physics (72 credits)

42credits from Core Program: Physics


PHYS 496 Honours Research Project (6.00)

24credits from the Concentration in Biophysics or the Concentration in Physics

Concentration in Biophysics (24 credits)



BIOL 266 Cell Biology (3.00)
PHYS 260 Introductory Biophysics (3.00)
PHYS 330 Experimental Physics II (3.00)
PHYS 460 Chemical Aspects of Biophysics (3.00)


credits chosen from:

CHEM 235 Physical Chemistry II: Kinetics of Chemical Reactions (3.00)
CHEM 271 Biochemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 431 Computational Chemistry for Chemists and Biochemists (3.00)
PHYS 289 Honours Research Experience I (3.00)
PHYS 345 Advanced Classical Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 370 Nonlinear Dynamics/Chaos/Fractals (3.00)
PHYS 389 Honours Research Experience II (3.00)
PHYS 440 Computational Methods in Physics with Python (3.00)
PHYS 445 Principles of Medical Imaging (3.00)
PHYS 459 Condensed Matter Physics I (3.00)
PHYS 461 Membrane Biophysics (3.00)
PHYS 462 Bioenergetics (3.00)
PHYS 463 Optical Spectroscopy with Biophysics Applications (3.00)


credits chosen from:

BIOL 261 Molecular and General Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 340 Plant Biology (3.00)
BIOL 367 Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 371 Microbiology (3.00)
PHYS 443 Quantitative Human Systems Physiology (3.00)

Concentration in Physics (24 credits)



PHYS 330 Experimental Physics II (3.00)
PHYS 345 Advanced Classical Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 355 Electronics (3.00)
PHYS 459 Condensed Matter Physics I (3.00)
PHYS 468 Condensed Matter Physics II (3.00)
PHYS 478 Quantum Mechanics II (3.00)


credits chosen from:

PHYS 289 Honours Research Experience I (3.00)
PHYS 370 Nonlinear Dynamics/Chaos/Fractals (3.00)
PHYS 389 Honours Research Experience II (3.00)
PHYS 436 Methods of Theoretical Physics III (3.00)
PHYS 440 Computational Methods in Physics with Python (3.00)
PHYS 443 Quantitative Human Systems Physiology (3.00)
PHYS 445 Principles of Medical Imaging (3.00)
PHYS 458 Advanced Electrodynamics (3.00)
PHYS 498 Advanced Topics in Physics (3.00)


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their academic advisor or undergraduate program director. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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