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BSc Honours in Psychology

Program Requirements

BSc Honours in Psychology (81 credits)

30credits from the Core: Honours in Psychology
15credits chosen from Tier 1: Psychology with at least six credits chosen from the Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area: Tier 1 and/or the Developmental Content Area: Tier 1 and six credits chosen from the Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area: Tier 1 and/or the Cognitive Science Content Area: Tier 1
12credits chosen from at least two different Tier 2: Psychology Content Areas
9credits of Psychology elective courses at the 300 or 400 level
15credits chosen from science courses outside the Department


  • Students must have completed an appropriate program of science prerequisites in order to be admitted to BSc programs.
  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their departmental honours advisor. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include at least 18 credits from the 300 or 400 level program-related courses. Students must have a GPA of 3.7 in Psychology courses to qualify for entry to the honours and must maintain this GPA to remain within the program.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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