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Psychology Course Groups

Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area: Tier 1

PSYC 321 Fundamentals of Personality (3.00)
PSYC 325 Fundamentals of Social Psychology (3.00)

Developmental Content Area: Tier 1

PSYC 333 Fundamentals of Lifespan Development (3.00)

Clinical and Health Content Area: Tier 1

PSYC 340 Fundamentals of Psychopathology (3.00)
PSYC 341 Fundamentals of Health Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 342 Forensic Psychology (3.00)

Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area: Tier 1

PSYC 351 Fundamentals of Learning (3.00)
PSYC 354 Evolutionary Foundations of Psychology (3.00)

Cognitive Science Content Area: Tier 1

PSYC 363 Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception (3.00)
PSYC 364 Fundamentals of Cognition (3.00)

Social, Personality, and Culture Content Area: Tier 2

PSYC 420 The Self in Social Context (3.00)
PSYC 423 Emotion in the Social Context (3.00)
PSYC 424 Cultural Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 425 Culture, Development, and the Self (3.00)
PSYC 426 Psychometrics (3.00)
PSYC 427 Current Issues in Personality (3.00)
PSYC 428 Social and Cultural Advanced Issues (3.00)

Developmental Content Area: Tier 2

PSYC 431 Infancy (3.00)
PSYC 432 Childhood Development (3.00)
PSYC 433 Adolescent Development (3.00)
PSYC 434 Aging (3.00)
PSYC 435 Developmental Psychopathology (3.00)
PSYC 438 Developmental Advanced Issues (3.00)

Clinical and Health Content Area: Tier 2

PSYC 440 Psychopathology: Mood, Anxiety, and Personality Disorders (3.00)
PSYC 441 Psychopathology: Schizophrenia and Neurocognitive Disorders (3.00)
PSYC 442 Psychopathology: Behaviour Regulation Disorders (3.00)
PSYC 443 Psychological Intervention Models (3.00)
PSYC 444 Hypnosis and Dissociation (3.00)
PSYC 445 Human Neuropsychology (3.00)
PSYC 446 Stress (3.00)
PSYC 447 Current Issues in Health Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 448 Clinical Advanced Issues (3.00)

Behavioural Neuroscience Content Area: Tier 2


NEUR 450 Neurobiology of Drug Abuse and Addiction (3.00)
NEUR 451 Learning and Neuroplasticity (3.00)
NEUR 452 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception (3.00)
NEUR 453 Neurobiology of Motivated Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 454 Hormones and Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 455 Neuropharmacology (3.00)
NEUR 457 Foundations of Animal Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 458 Neuroscience Advanced Issues (3.00)

Cognitive Science Content Area: Tier 2

PSYC 460 Vision (3.00)
PSYC 461 Computational Modelling of Human Cognition (3.00)
PSYC 462 Memory and Attention (3.00)
PSYC 463 Concepts and Categories (3.00)
PSYC 464 Judgment and Decision Making (3.00)
PSYC 465 Audition, Language, and Communication (3.00)
PSYC 466 Cognitive Development (3.00)
PSYC 467 Learning (3.00)
PSYC 468 Cognitive Science Advanced Issues (3.00)

Advanced Experience Courses: Psychology

PSYC 387 Directed Research in Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 483 Directed Readings in Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 485 Specialization Thesis (6.00)
PSYC 487 Advanced Directed Research in Psychology (3.00)

Neuroscience Individualization

BIOL 367 Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 368 Genetics and Cell Biology Laboratory (3.00)
BIOL 371 Microbiology (3.00)
BIOL 462 Immunology (3.00)
BIOL 466 Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 467 Advanced Cell Biology (3.00)
BIOL 474 Cellular Neuroscience (3.00)
CHEM 222 Introductory Organic Chemistry II (3.00)
CHEM 375 Biochemistry II (3.00)
CHEM 473 Protein‑Protein Interactions (3.00)
CHEM 476 Structure and Function of Biomembranes (3.00)
CHEM 477 Advanced Laboratory in Biochemistry (3.00)
EXCI 360 Neural and Hormonal Control of Human Systems (3.00)
EXCI 455 Physical Activity, Health and Aging (3.00)
EXCI 458 Pediatric Exercise Science (3.00)
EXCI 471 Pain Management Strategies (3.00)
NEUR 416 Large Data Analytics (3.00)
NEUR 450 Neurobiology of Drug Abuse and Addiction (3.00)
NEUR 452 Neurobiology of Sensation and Perception (3.00)
NEUR 453 Neurobiology of Motivated Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 454 Hormones and Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 455 Neuropharmacology (3.00)
NEUR 457 Foundations of Animal Behaviour (3.00)
NEUR 458 Neuroscience Advanced Issues (3.00)
NEUR 460 Neuroimaging (3.00)
PHYS 443 Quantitative Human Systems Physiology (3.00)
PHYS 445 Principles of Medical Imaging (3.00)
PSYC 354 Evolutionary Foundations of Psychology (3.00)
PSYC 363 Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception (3.00)
PSYC 445 Human Neuropsychology (3.00)
PSYC 460 Vision (3.00)
PSYC 461 Computational Modelling of Human Cognition (3.00)
PSYC 462 Memory and Attention (3.00)
PSYC 463 Concepts and Categories (3.00)
PSYC 464 Judgment and Decision Making (3.00)
PSYC 465 Audition, Language, and Communication (3.00)
PSYC 466 Cognitive Development (3.00)
PSYC 467 Learning (3.00)
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