The Department of Psychology offers minor, major, specialization, and honours programs in Psychology. Both BA and BSc degrees are offered for the Psychology programs. The Department also offers BSc specialization and honours programs in Neuroscience.
Students planning a career or graduate studies in psychology are normally expected to follow the appropriate honours or specialization program. Students planning to pursue graduate studies in clinical psychology should ensure that the program electives they choose coincide with licensing board requirements.
The major program is designed for students who wish to concentrate their studies in psychology but at the same time wish to pursue general education in other disciplines. The major program can be combined with a major in another department.
Students registered in the Honours, Specialization, or Major in Psychology may select Psychology electives in various Content Areas in order to obtain a broad overview of the discipline. The five Content Areas within the Department are Social, Personality, and Culture; Developmental; Clinical and Health; Behavioural Neuroscience; and Cognitive Science. It is possible for students to pursue in‑depth studies within these specific Content Areas by taking Tier 2 courses.
The minor program can be taken only by students registered in another degree program and provides the opportunity to gain basic exposure to the main sub-disciplines of psychology or to pursue one such area in some depth.
Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of academic advising services available in the Department of Psychology in order to select the program and courses that best meet their needs. Students are ultimately responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.
Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their departmental honours advisor. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits.
Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
To qualify for entry into a specialization program, students must have a GPA of 3.2 in Psychology courses and must maintain this GPA to remain in the program.
For additional information concerning programs and courses, students should consult the Department academic advisor.