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Southern Asia Studies Course Groups

Electives in South and Southeast Asia

ENGL 387 South Asian Literature (3.00)
HIST 347 Gender and Sexuality in South Asia (3.00)
HIST 364 Modern South Asia (3.00)
RELI 315 Muslim Cultures in Southern Asia (3.00)
RELI 316 Classical Islam (3.00)
RELI 317 Sufism (3.00)
RELI 319 Modern Islam (3.00)
RELI 343 Yoga in History, Thought, and Practice (3.00)
RELI 344 Hindu Myth and Narrative: the Epics and Puranas (3.00)
RELI 347 The Arts in South Asia and Beyond (3.00)
RELI 348 Religion and Society in South and Southeast Asia (3.00)
RELI 350 Theravada Buddhism (3.00)
RELI 362 Religions of Tibet (3.00)
RELI 364 Mahayana Buddhism (3.00)
RELI 3840 Women, Gender, and Sexuality: Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism (3.00)
RELI 3841 Religious Bodies in South Asia (3.00)
RELI 387 Goddesses and Religious Images of Women (3.00)

History of South and Southeast Asia

HIST 261 History of South Asia (3.00)
HIST 347 Gender and Sexuality in South Asia (3.00)
HIST 364 Modern South Asia (3.00)
RELI 215 Religions of Asia (3.00)
RELI 348 Religion and Society in South and Southeast Asia (3.00)

Religions and Cultures of South and Southeast Asia

RELI 224 Introduction to Islam (3.00)
RELI 225 Introduction to Hinduism (3.00)
RELI 226 Introduction to Buddhism (3.00)
RELI 313 Zoroastrianism (3.00)
RELI 316 Classical Islam (3.00)
RELI 317 Sufism (3.00)
RELI 319 Modern Islam (3.00)
RELI 343 Yoga in History, Thought, and Practice (3.00)
RELI 344 Hindu Myth and Narrative: the Epics and Puranas (3.00)
RELI 346 Gandhi, Colonialism, and Beyond (3.00)
RELI 347 The Arts in South Asia and Beyond (3.00)
RELI 348 Religion and Society in South and Southeast Asia (3.00)
RELI 350 Theravada Buddhism (3.00)
RELI 362 Religions of Tibet (3.00)
RELI 364 Mahayana Buddhism (3.00)
RELI 383 Women, Gender, and Sexuality: Islam (3.00)
RELI 3840 Women, Gender, and Sexuality: Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism (3.00)
RELI 3841 Religious Bodies in South Asia (3.00)

Theory and Method

ENGL 382 Literature of Migration and Diaspora (3.00)
FMST 335 Aspects of National Cinemas (3.00)
LING 330 Sanskrit (3.00)
PHIL 236 Environmental Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 281 Philosophy in the Islamic World (3.00)
PHIL 285 World Philosophy (3.00)
RELI 310 Self and Other: Identity and Ethical Development (3.00)
RELI 312 Justice and Social Conflict in a Globalized World (3.00)
RELI 354 Religion and Film (3.00)
RELI 355 Religion and Violence (3.00)
RELI 358 Anthropology of Religion (3.00)
RELI 365 Religion and Literature (3.00)
RELI 366 Religion and Music (3.00)
RELI 371 Care and Healing (3.00)
RELI 372 Religion and the Body (3.00)
RELI 380 Religion and Sexuality (3.00)
RELI 3890 Queer Spiritualities (3.00)
RELI 396 Food and Religion (3.00)
RELI 3970 Perspectives on Animals and Sustainability (3.00)
RELI 409 Methodology and the Study of Religion (3.00)
SCPA 212 Introduction to Global Migration: Theories and Issues (3.00)
SCPA 450 Neo‑Liberal Globalization and the Global Justice Movement (3.00)
SSDB 220 Introduction to Theories of Sexuality (3.00)
URBS 230 Urbanization: Global and Historical Perspectives (3.00)
WSDB 290 Introduction to Historical Perspectives in Women’s Studies (3.00)
WSDB 291 Introduction to Contemporary Concerns in Women’s Studies (3.00)
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