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Section 71.30.1 Course Requirements (BEng in Electrical Engineering)

Degree Requirements

The program in Electrical Engineering consists of the Engineering Core, the Electrical Engineering Core, and Electives. The minimum length of the program is 120 credits.

Students in the Electrical Engineering program are required to complete at least one work term administered by either the CIADI (Section 71.10.9 Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI)) or co-op (Section 71.10.8 Co-operative Education in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science) offices. Only work terms undertaken after successfully completing 60 credits in the Electrical Engineering program would satisfy this requirement. In order to fulfill the work term, students must successfully complete one of the courses managed through CIADI or the Institute for Co-operative Education. It should be noted that ultimately it is the responsibility of the student to find an approved work-term placement.

For information on co-op fees, see

BEng in Electrical Engineering (120 credits)

30.5credits from the Engineering Core
72.5credits from the Electrical Engineering Core

credits chosen from the Electrical Engineering Electives

Electrical Engineering Core (72.5 credits)

COEN 212 Digital Systems Design I (3.50)
COEN 231 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (3.00)
COEN 243 Programming Methodology I (3.50)
COEN 244 Programming Methodology II (3.00)
COEN 311 Computer Organization and Software (3.50)
COEN 313 Digital Systems Design II (3.50)
COEN 352 Data Structures and Algorithms (3.00)
ELEC 242 Continuous‑Time Signals and Systems (3.00)
ELEC 251 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (3.00)
ELEC 311 Electronics I (3.50)
ELEC 312 Electronics II (3.50)
ELEC 321 Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices (3.50)
ELEC 331 Fundamentals of Electrical Power Engineering (3.50)
ELEC 342 Discrete‑Time Signals and Systems (3.50)
ELEC 351 Electromagnetic Waves and Guiding Structures (3.50)
ELEC 366 Telecommunication Networks (3.50)
ELEC 367 Introduction to Digital Communications (3.50)
ELEC 372 Fundamentals of Control Systems (3.50)
ELEC 390 Electrical Engineering Product Design Project (3.00)
ELEC 490 Capstone Electrical Engineering Design Project (6.00)
ENGR 290 Introductory Engineering Team Design Project (3.00)

Note: Students may replace ELEC 490 with ENGR 490 if they are interested in a multidisciplinary project that requires collaboration with students from other engineering departments. In order for students to register in ENGR 490, their projects must be approved by the ENGR 490 Design Committee before the start of the fall term.

Electrical Engineering Electives (17 credits)

Student must complete a minimum of 17 credits from the Electrical Engineering Electives list. Courses are listed in groups to facilitate course selection. With adequate academic justification and with permission of the Department, students may take one technical elective course from the Computer Engineering Electives.

A. Telecommunication Networks and Signal Processing Electives: Electrical Engineering

B. Microdevices, Electronics and VLSI Electives: Electrical Engineering

C. Power and Renewable Energy Systems Electives: Electrical Engineering

D. Controls, Robotics and Avionics Electives: Electrical Engineering

E. Waves and Electromagnetics Electives: Electrical Engineering

F. Computer Systems Electives: Electrical Engineering

G. Biological and Biomedical Engineering Electives: Electrical Engineering

H. Other Electives: Electrical Engineering

Telecommunication Networks and Signal Processing Electives: Electrical Engineering

COEN 446 Internet of Things (3.50)
COEN 447 Software‑Defined Networking (3.00)
ELEC 442 Advanced Signal Processing (3.00)
ELEC 447 Video Processing and Recognition (3.00)
ELEC 464 Wireless Communications (3.00)
ELEC 465 Network Security and Management (3.50)
ELEC 466 Introduction to Optical Communication Systems (3.50)
ELEC 470 Broadcast Signal Transmission (3.00)
ELEC 472 Advanced Telecommunication Networks (3.50)

Microdevices, Electronics and VLSI Electives: Electrical Engineering

COEN 314 Digital Electronics I (3.50)
COEN 414 Digital Electronics II (3.50)
COEN 451 VLSI Circuit Design (4.00)
ELEC 413 Mixed‑Signal VLSI for Communication Systems (4.00)
ELEC 421 Solid State Devices (3.50)
ELEC 422 Design of Integrated Circuit Components (3.50)
ELEC 423 Introduction to Analog VLSI (4.00)
ELEC 424 VLSI Process Technology (3.50)
ELEC 425 Optical Devices for High‑Speed Communications (3.50)
ELEC 441 Modern Analog Filter Design (3.50)

Power and Renewable Energy Systems Electives: Electrical Engineering

ELEC 430 Electrical Power Equipment (3.50)
ELEC 431 Electrical Power Systems (3.50)
ELEC 432 Control of Electrical Power Conversion Systems (3.50)
ELEC 433 Power Electronics (3.50)
ELEC 434 Behaviour of Power Systems (3.50)
ELEC 435 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Systems (3.50)
ELEC 436 Protection of Power Systems (3.50)
ELEC 437 Renewable Energy Systems (3.00)
ELEC 438 Industrial Electrical Systems (3.50)
ELEC 439 Hybrid Electric Vehicle Power System Design and Control (3.00)
ELEC 440 Controlled Electric Drives (3.50)
ELEC 443 Electric Power Distribution Networks (3.00)
ELEC 446 Electrical Power Generation (3.00)

Note: ELEC 430, ELEC 432, ELEC 434, ELEC 435, ELEC 436, ELEC 438 and ELEC 443 are usually offered in the French language.

Controls, Robotics and Avionics Electives: Electrical Engineering

AERO 417 Standards, Regulations and Certification (3.00)
AERO 480 Flight Control Systems (3.50)
AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems (3.00)
AERO 483 Integration of Avionics Systems (3.00)
COEN 422 Foundations of Cyber‑Physical Systems (3.00)
ELEC 473 Autonomy for Mobile Robots (3.00)
ELEC 481 Linear Systems (3.50)
ELEC 482 System Optimization (3.50)
ELEC 483 Real‑Time Computer Control Systems (3.50)
ENGR 472 Robot Manipulators (3.50)

Waves and Electromagnetics Electives: Electrical Engineering

ELEC 453 Microwave Engineering (3.50)
ELEC 455 Acoustics (3.00)
ELEC 456 Antennas (3.50)
ELEC 457 Design of Wireless RF Systems (3.00)
ELEC 458 Techniques in Electromagnetic Compatibility (3.00)

Computer Systems Electives: Electrical Engineering

COEN 316 Computer Architecture and Design (3.50)
COEN 317 Microprocessor‑Based Systems (3.50)
COEN 320 Introduction to Real‑Time Systems (3.50)
COEN 346 Operating Systems (3.50)
COEN 413 Hardware Functional Verification (3.50)
COEN 421 Embedded Systems Design (4.00)
COEN 424 Programming on the Cloud (3.00)
COEN 448 Software Testing and Validation (3.50)
SOEN 341 Software Process and Practices (4.00)

Biological and Biomedical Engineering Electives: Electrical Engineering

COEN 432 Applied Machine Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms (3.00)
COEN 433 Biological Computing and Synthetic Biology (3.00)
COEN 434 Microfluidic Devices for Synthetic Biology (3.00)
ELEC 444 Medical Image Processing (3.00)
ELEC 445 Biological Signal Processing (3.00)

Other Electives: Electrical Engineering

ELEC 498 Topics in Electrical Engineering (3.00)
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1.00)
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