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Course Requirements (BEng in Aerospace Engineering)

Degree Requirements

The program in Aerospace Engineering consists of the Engineering Core, the Aerospace Engineering Core, and option requirements as shown below. The minimum length of the program is 120 credits.

BEng in Aerospace Engineering (120 credits)

Aerospace Engineering Core (38.25 credits)

AERO 201 Introduction to Flight and Aerospace Systems (4.00)
AERO 290 Introduction to Aircraft Design (3.00)
AERO 371 Modelling and Control Systems (3.50)
AERO 390 Aerospace Engineering Design Project (3.00)
AERO 417 Standards, Regulations and Certification (3.00)
AERO 490 Capstone Aerospace Engineering Design Project (6.00)
ENGR 242 Statics (3.00)
ENGR 243 Dynamics (3.00)
ENGR 244 Mechanics of Materials (3.75)
ENGR 251 Thermodynamics I (3.00)
ENGR 361 Fluid Mechanics I (3.00)

Note: Students may replace AERO 490 with ENGR 490 if they are interested in a multidisciplinary project that requires collaboration with students from other engineering departments. In order for students to register in ENGR 490, their projects must be approved by the ENGR 490 Design Committee before the start of the fall term.

Aerospace Engineering Option Requirements (54.75 credits)

Students in the Aerospace Engineering program must complete at least 54.75 elective credits from within one of the following options:

Option A — Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Option B – Aerospace Structures and Materials

Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems

Option A — Aerodynamics and Propulsion (54.75 credits)

50.25compulsory credits from Option A – Aerodynamics and Propulsion Core

credits minimum from Option A – Aerodynamics and Propulsion Electives

Option A – Aerodynamics and Propulsion Core (50.25 credits)

AERO 446 Aerospace Vehicle Performance (3.00)
AERO 455 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Aerospace Applications (3.75)
AERO 462 Turbomachinery and Propulsion (3.00)
AERO 464 Aerodynamics (3.00)
AERO 465 Gas Turbine Design (3.50)
AERO 481 Materials Engineering for Aerospace (3.50)
ENGR 311 Transform Calculus and Partial Differential Equations (3.00)
MECH 343 Theory of Machines (3.50)
MECH 351 Thermodynamics II (3.50)
MECH 352 Heat Transfer I (3.50)
MECH 361 Fluid Mechanics II (3.50)
MECH 461 Gas Dynamics (3.50)
MIAE 211 Mechanical Engineering Drawing (3.50)
MIAE 215 Programming for Mechanical and Industrial Engineers (3.50)
MIAE 221 Materials Science (3.00)

Option A – Aerodynamics and Propulsion Electives (4.5 credits)


credits minimum chosen from the following courses:


AERO 431 Principles of Aeroelasticity (3.50)
AERO 471 Aircraft Hydro‑Mechanical and Fuel Systems (3.50)
AERO 472 Aircraft Pneumatic and Electrical Power Systems (3.50)
AERO 480 Flight Control Systems (3.50)
AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems (3.00)
AERO 485 Introduction to Space Systems (3.00)
AERO 486 Aircraft Stress Analysis (3.00)
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1.00)
ENGR 412 Honours Research Project (3.00)
INDU 372 Quality Control and Reliability (3.00)
INDU 412 Human Factors Engineering (3.50)
MECH 368 Electronics for Mechanical Engineers (3.50)
MECH 373 Instrumentation and Measurements (3.50)
MECH 375 Mechanical Vibrations (3.50)
MECH 426 Stress and Failure Analysis of Machinery (3.00)
MECH 451 Renewable Energy: Fundamentals and Applications (3.00)
MECH 452 Heat Transfer II (3.50)
MECH 453 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (3.00)
MECH 460 Finite Element Analysis (3.75)
MECH 498 Topics in Mechanical Engineering (3.00)


Note: Students may take no more than one of the following courses: AERO 486‌, MECH 375,‌ MECH 426‌, MECH 460.

Note: Students having a GPA of 3.0 or more may submit a request to take a graduate course as an elective.

Note: With permission of the Department, students may take one technical elective outside of the option list above. Students must get approval from the Department before registering in the technical elective outside of the option list above.

Option B – Aerospace Structures and Materials (54.75 credits)

54.75compulsory credits from  Option B – Aerospace Structures and Materials Core‌  

Option B – Aerospace Structures and Materials Core (54.75 credits)

AERO 431 Principles of Aeroelasticity (3.50)
AERO 481 Materials Engineering for Aerospace (3.50)
AERO 486 Aircraft Stress Analysis (3.00)
AERO 487 Design of Aircraft Structures (3.00)
ENGR 311 Transform Calculus and Partial Differential Equations (3.00)
MECH 343 Theory of Machines (3.50)
MECH 352 Heat Transfer I (3.50)
MECH 373 Instrumentation and Measurements (3.50)
MECH 375 Mechanical Vibrations (3.50)
MECH 412 Computer‑Aided Mechanical Design (3.50)
MECH 460 Finite Element Analysis (3.75)
MIAE 211 Mechanical Engineering Drawing (3.50)
MIAE 215 Programming for Mechanical and Industrial Engineers (3.50)
MIAE 221 Materials Science (3.00)
MIAE 311 Manufacturing Processes (3.00)
MIAE 312 Engineering Design and Manufacturing Processes Lab (1.00)
MIAE 313 Machine Drawing and Design (3.50)

Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems (54.75 credits)

46.5compulsory credits from the  Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems Core 
8.25credits minimum from the  Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems Electives    
Note: Students having a GPA of 3.0 or more may submit a request to take a graduate course as an elective. 

Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems Core (46.5 credits)


AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems (3.00)
AERO 483 Integration of Avionics Systems (3.00)
COEN 212 Digital Systems Design I (3.50)
COEN 231 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics (3.00)
COEN 243 Programming Methodology I (3.50)
COEN 244 Programming Methodology II (3.00)
COEN 311 Computer Organization and Software (3.50)
COEN 352 Data Structures and Algorithms (3.00)
ELEC 242 Continuous‑Time Signals and Systems (3.00)
ELEC 273 Basic Circuit Analysis (3.50)
ELEC 342 Discrete‑Time Signals and Systems (3.50)
ELEC 481 Linear Systems (3.50)
ELEC 483 Real‑Time Computer Control Systems (3.50)
SOEN 341 Software Process and Practices (4.00)


Option C — Avionics and Aerospace Systems Electives (8.25 credits)


credits minimum chosen from the following courses:


AERO 471 Aircraft Hydro‑Mechanical and Fuel Systems (3.50)
AERO 472 Aircraft Pneumatic and Electrical Power Systems (3.50)
AERO 480 Flight Control Systems (3.50)
COEN 313 Digital Systems Design II (3.50)
COEN 317 Microprocessor‑Based Systems (3.50)
COEN 320 Introduction to Real‑Time Systems (3.50)
COEN 346 Operating Systems (3.50)
COEN 366 Communication Networks and Protocols (3.50)
COEN 413 Hardware Functional Verification (3.50)
COEN 421 Embedded Systems Design (4.00)
COEN 498 Topics in Computer Engineering (3.00)
ELEC 251 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (3.00)
ELEC 311 Electronics I (3.50)
ELEC 331 Fundamentals of Electrical Power Engineering (3.50)
ELEC 351 Electromagnetic Waves and Guiding Structures (3.50)
ELEC 367 Introduction to Digital Communications (3.50)
ELEC 433 Power Electronics (3.50)
ELEC 442 Advanced Signal Processing (3.00)
ELEC 458 Techniques in Electromagnetic Compatibility (3.00)
ELEC 464 Wireless Communications (3.00)
ELEC 482 System Optimization (3.50)
ELEC 498 Topics in Electrical Engineering (3.00)
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1.00)
ENGR 412 Honours Research Project (3.00)
SOEN 342 Software Requirements and Deployment (4.00)
SOEN 343 Software Architecture and Design (4.00)


Note: Students having a GPA of 3.0 or more may submit a request to take a graduate course as an elective.

Note: With permission of the Department, students may take one technical elective outside of the option list above. Students must get approval from the Department before registering in the technical elective outside of the option list above. 

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