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Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation Courses


Students must complete a minimum of 24 credits within their respective Engineering program prior to enrolling.


The activities associated with this course include an industry-based project in the aerospace field, participation in regular meetings with the industry supervisor, attendance at training sessions (as applicable), industry training and tours. A final report of the industry project must be submitted to the director of education of CIADI. A grade of pass or fail will be awarded based on the evaluation of the final report as well as an assessment provided by the industry project supervisor.




  • This course is marked on a pass/fail basis
  • The Undergraduate Aerospace Industry Project courses (IADI 301 and IADI 401) are three‑credit extension courses. They are above and beyond the credit requirements of the student’s program and are not transferable, nor are they included in the full- or part‑time assessment status.


The following course must be completed previously: IADI 301 with a grade of Pass.


The activities associated with this course include an industry-based project in the aerospace field, participation in regular meetings with the industry supervisor, attendance at training sessions (as applicable), industry training and tours. A final report of the industry project must be submitted to the director of education of CIADI. A grade of pass or fail will be awarded based on the evaluation of the final report as well as an assessment provided by the industry project supervisor.




  • This course is marked on a pass/fail basis.
  • The Undergraduate Aerospace Industry Project courses (CIADI 301 and 401) are three‑credit extension courses. They are above and beyond the credit requirements of the student’s program and are not transferable, nor are they included in the full- or part‑time assessment status.


Students enrolled in a minimum of six hours of professional development workshops, lectures and/or experiential learning activities in the aerospace sector, provided by CIADI, may request to have this course appear on their official university transcript. Requests can be made by contacting the CIADI education director.


  • This course is marked on a pass/fail basis.
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