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Section 71.70.9 Degree Requirements for the BEng in Software Engineering

Degree Requirements

Students registered in the Software Engineering program must complete a minimum of 120 credits during four years of full‑time study. The program consists of the Engineering Core, the Software Engineering Core and electives.

BEng in Software Engineering (120 credits)

30.5credits from the  Engineering Core‌     
47.5credits from the  Software Engineering Core      
23credits from the  Computer Science Group: Software Engineering     
3credits from the  Engineering and Natural Science Group: Software Engineering   
16credits of  Software Engineering Electives      

Software Engineering Core (47.5 credits)



SOEN 228 System Hardware (4.00)
SOEN 287 Web Programming (3.00)
SOEN 321 Information Systems Security (3.00)
SOEN 331 Formal Methods for Software Engineering (3.00)
SOEN 341 Software Process and Practices (4.00)
SOEN 342 Software Requirements and Deployment (4.00)
SOEN 343 Software Architecture and Design (4.00)
SOEN 345 Software Testing, Verification and Quality Assurance (4.00)
SOEN 357 User Interface Design (3.00)
SOEN 363 Data Systems for Software Engineers (3.00)
SOEN 384 Management, Measurement and Quality Control (3.00)
SOEN 390 Software Engineering Team Design Project (3.50)
SOEN 490 Capstone Software Engineering Design Project (6.00)

Note: Students may replace SOEN 490 with ENGR 490 if they are interested in a multidisciplinary project that requires collaboration with students from other engineering departments. In order for students to register in ENGR 490, their projects must be approved by the ENGR 490 Design Committee before the start of the fall term.   

Computer Science Group: Software Engineering (23 credits)

COMP 232 Mathematics for Computer Science (3.00)
COMP 248 Object‑Oriented Programming I (3.50)
COMP 249 Object‑Oriented Programming II (3.50)
COMP 335 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3.00)
COMP 346 Operating Systems (4.00)
COMP 348 Principles of Programming Languages (3.00)
COMP 352 Data Structures and Algorithms (3.00)

Engineering and Natural Science Group: Software Engineering (3 credits)


credits chosen from:

ENGR 245 Mechanical Analysis (3.00)
MIAE 221 Materials Science (3.00)

Software Engineering Electives (16 credits)

Students in the Software Engineering program must complete at least 16 elective credits from the list of courses below:


AERO 480 Flight Control Systems (3.50)
AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems (3.00)
COEN 320 Introduction to Real‑Time Systems (3.50)
COMP 333 Data Analytics (4.00)
COMP 339 Combinatorics (3.00)
COMP 345 Advanced Program Design with C++ (4.00)
COMP 371 Computer Graphics (4.00)
COMP 376 Introduction to Game Development (4.00)
COMP 425 Computer Vision (4.00)
COMP 426 Multicore Programming (4.00)
COMP 428 Parallel Programming (4.00)
COMP 432 Machine Learning (4.00)
COMP 433 Introduction to Deep Learning (4.00)
COMP 438 Geometric Modelling and Processing (4.00)
COMP 442 Compiler Design (4.00)
COMP 444 System Software Design (4.00)
COMP 445 Data Communication and Computer Networks (4.00)
COMP 451 Database Design (4.00)
COMP 465 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3.00)
COMP 472 Artificial Intelligence (4.00)
COMP 473 Pattern Recognition (4.00)
COMP 474 Intelligent Systems (4.00)
COMP 475 Immersive Technologies (4.00)
COMP 476 Advanced Game Development (4.00)
COMP 477 Animation for Computer Games (4.00)
COMP 478 Image Processing (4.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)
COMP 498 Topics in Computer Science (3.00)
COMP 499 Topics in Computer Science with Lab (4.00)
SOEN 298 System Hardware Lab (1.00)
SOEN 344 Advanced Software Architecture and Design (3.00)
SOEN 387 Web‑Based Enterprise Application Design (3.00)
SOEN 422 Embedded Systems and Software (4.00)
SOEN 423 Distributed Systems (4.00)
SOEN 448 Management of Evolving Systems (3.00)
SOEN 471 Big Data Analytics (4.00)
SOEN 487 Web Services and Applications (4.00)
SOEN 491 Software Engineering Project (1.00)
SOEN 498 Topics in Software Engineering (3.00)
SOEN 499 Topics in Software Engineering with Lab (4.00)
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1.00)

Electives are also listed in the following groups to facilitate the selection of courses in a particular area of the field:

Artificial Intelligence Group: Software Engineering

Computer Games Group: Software Engineering

Data Engineering Group: Software Engineering

Real‑Time, Embedded, and Avionics Software Group: Software Engineering

Web Services and Applications Group: Software Engineering

Software Engineering Elective Course Groups

Artificial Intelligence Group: Software Engineering

COMP 425 Computer Vision (4.00)
COMP 432 Machine Learning (4.00)
COMP 433 Introduction to Deep Learning (4.00)
COMP 472 Artificial Intelligence (4.00)
COMP 473 Pattern Recognition (4.00)
COMP 474 Intelligent Systems (4.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)

Computer Games Group: Software Engineering

COMP 345 Advanced Program Design with C++ (4.00)
COMP 371 Computer Graphics (4.00)
COMP 376 Introduction to Game Development (4.00)
COMP 438 Geometric Modelling and Processing (4.00)
COMP 475 Immersive Technologies (4.00)
COMP 476 Advanced Game Development (4.00)
COMP 477 Animation for Computer Games (4.00)

Data Engineering Group: Software Engineering

COMP 333 Data Analytics (4.00)
COMP 432 Machine Learning (4.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)
SOEN 471 Big Data Analytics (4.00)

Real‑Time, Embedded, and Avionics Software Group: Software Engineering

AERO 480 Flight Control Systems (3.50)
AERO 482 Avionic Navigation Systems (3.00)
COEN 320 Introduction to Real‑Time Systems (3.50)
COMP 345 Advanced Program Design with C++ (4.00)
SOEN 422 Embedded Systems and Software (4.00)
SOEN 423 Distributed Systems (4.00)
COMP 444 System Software Design (4.00)

Web Services and Applications Group: Software Engineering

COMP 353 Databases (4.00)
COMP 445 Data Communication and Computer Networks (4.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)
SOEN 387 Web‑Based Enterprise Application Design (3.00)
SOEN 487 Web Services and Applications (4.00)
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