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Art History Course Groups

Art History Group A ─ Media Based Studies

ARTH 262 Aspects of the History of Drawing (3.00)
ARTH 263 Aspects of the History of the Print (3.00)
ARTH 264 Aspects of the History of Ceramics (3.00)
ARTH 265 Aspects of the History of Sculpture (3.00)
ARTH 266 Aspects of the History of Fibre Art (3.00)
ARTH 267 Aspects of the History of Photography (3.00)
ARTH 348 Special Topics in Art and Film (3.00)
ARTH 349 Studies in the History of the Print (3.00)
ARTH 350 Studies in the History of Ceramics (3.00)
ARTH 351 Studies in the History of Sculpture (3.00)
ARTH 352 Studies in the History of Fibre Art (3.00)
ARTH 353 Technology and Contemporary Art (3.00)
ARTH 354 Studies in Interdisciplinarity in the Visual Arts (3.00)
ARTH 355 Studies in Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 356 Studies in the Materials and Processes of Art (3.00)
ARTH 357 Studies in the History of Craft and the Decorative Arts (3.00)
ARTH 358 Studies in the History of Media Art (3.00)
ARTH 359 Studies in Contemporary Photographic Art (3.00)
ARTH 448 Advanced Seminar in Art and Film (3.00)

Art History Group B ─ Period Studies

ARTH 270 Icons of Architectural History (3.00)
ARTH 360 Studies in Ancient Greek Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 361 Studies in Ancient Roman Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 362 Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 363 Studies in Medieval Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 364 Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 365 Studies in 17th‑ and 18th‑Century Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 366 Studies in 19th‑Century Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 367 Studies in 20th‑Century Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 368 Studies in Contemporary Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 369 Studies in Middle Eastern Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 450 Advanced Seminar in the History of Art and Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 498 Special Topics in the History of Art and Architecture (3.00)

Art History Group C ─ Art in Canada

ARTH 271 Introduction to Canadian Art (3.00)
ARTH 272 From Realism to Abstraction in Canadian Art (3.00)
ARTH 370 Studies in Canadian Art (3.00)
ARTH 371 Studies in Canadian Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 372 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Architecture (3.00)
ARTH 373 Issues in Contemporary Canadian Art (3.00)
ARTH 374 Architecture and Urbanism in Montreal (3.00)
ARTH 375 Issues in the Montreal Art Milieu (3.00)
ARTH 376 Topics in Indigenous Art (3.00)

Art History Group D ─ Theory and Criticism

ARTH 201 Perspectives of Art History I (3.00)
ARTH 202 Perspectives of Art History II (3.00)
ARTH 300 Art Historical Methods (3.00)
ARTH 379 Postcolonial Theory in Art History (3.00)
ARTH 380 Histories of Art History (3.00)
ARTH 381 Feminism and Art History (3.00)
ARTH 383 Art and Philosophy (3.00)
ARTH 384 Theories of Representation (3.00)
ARTH 385 Colour: Theory and Application in the Visual Arts (3.00)
ARTH 386 Art and the Viewer (3.00)
ARTH 387 Issues in Art and Criticism (3.00)
ARTH 389 Issues in Ethnocultural Art Histories (3.00)
ARTH 400 Advanced Seminar in Art Historical Method (3.00)

Art History Group E ─ Art and Society

ARTH 283 The Life and Work of ... (3.00)
ARTH 290 Art History and Archaeology (3.00)
ARTH 298 Special Topics in Genre Studies (3.00)
ARTH 388 Narration and Art (3.00)
ARTH 390 Art and the Museum (3.00)
ARTH 391 Art and Its Changing Contexts (3.00)
ARTH 392 Gender Issues in Art and Art History (3.00)
ARTH 396 Art and Culture (3.00)
ARTH 398 Special Topics in Art and Society (3.00)

Art History Group F ─ Tutored Studies

ARTH 401 Independent Studies in Art History (3.00)
ARTH 403 Internship (3.00)
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