Varda Mann-Feder, D.Ed.
- Professor , Graduate Program Director for Youth Work, Applied Human Sciences
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Dr Mann-Feder has been a full time faculty member in Applied Human Sciences since 1992. She taught as a sessional instructor in Psychology at Concordia between 1984 and 1992, and worked as a Consulting Psychologist in the child welfare system in Montreal from 1976 until 2004. From 2004 until 2007, Dr. Mann-Feder served as Chair of Applied Human Sciences, and she also was the founding Program Director for the Graduate Diploma in Youth Work. She currently represents Canada at the International Network on Transitions from Care to Adulthood, and is the chair of the Canadian chapter, CANTRAC. Dr. Mann-Feder also serves on the Board of Care Jeunesse, the first youth in care network in Quebec.
D.Ed. Educational Psychology and Counselling, McGill University 1988
M.A. School Psychology, University of Toronto 1976
B.A. Honours Cum Laude (Psychology), Brandeis University 1975
Research interests
Youth in care
Transitions to adulthood from substitute care
Emerging adulthood
Adolescent development
Teaching activities
AHSC 314 - Adolescents Iss./Intervention
AHSC 402 - Fundamentals of Child- and Youth-Care Work
AHSC 451 - Counselling Skills/Concepts
AHSC 436- Undergraduate Internship in Youth and Family Work
AHSC 520 - Psychoeducation and Youth Work Ethics in Practice
Recent publications
Mann-Feder, V.(Ed). (2021) Doing Ethics in Child and Youth Care Work: A North American Reader. Canadian Scholar's Press.
Mann-Feder, V. & Goyette, M. (2019) Leaving care and the transition to adulthood: International perspectives on theory, practice and research. Oxford Press.
Goyette, M.; Mann-Feder, V.; Grenier,S.; & Turcotte, D. (2016) Youth empowerment and engagement: An analysis of support practives in the Youth Protection system in Quebec. Summario, 263, 38-50.
Ranahan, P., Blanchet-Cohen, N. & Mann-Feder, V. (2015) Moving towards an integrated approach to youth work education. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies,6(4), 516-538.
Turcotte, D., Goyette, M., Mann-Feder, V, & Grenier, S. (2015) Et si ce passage était plus faciles avec d’autres? Le sociographe. Special issue : devenir adulte : defis et
enjeux actuels, 51, 99-108.
Mann-Feder, V., Eades, A., Sobel, E., & DeStefano, J. (2014) Leaving home: A qualitative study of Emerging Adulthood. Canadian Journal of Youth and Family, 6(1). Available at http;//ejournals.library. ualberta./index/php/cjf
Snow, K. & Mann-Feder, V. (2013) Peer centred practice: A theoretical framework for intervention with youth in and out of care. Child Welfare, 92(4), 75-94.
Dupuis, J. & Mann-Feder, V. (2013) Moving towards emancipatory practice: Conditions for Meaningful empowerment in Child Welfare. International Journal of Children, Youth
and Families, 4 (3), 371-380.
Grenier, S.,Goyette, M.,Turcotte, D.,& Mann-Feder, V. (2013) L’intervention de groupe pour outenir le passage a la vie adulte des jeunes autochtones issus des centres jeunesse, First People’s Child and Services Review, 7(1), 148-159.
Participation activities
Recent conference presentations
Mann-Feder, V. (2015, October). Leaving care research: Who is it helping? Panel on Social Support Among Older Youth Aging Out of Care. Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Miami.
Mann-Feder,V. (2015, August) Participation in Youth Protection: Panelist. Youth Participation in Public Policy, Ecole Nationale D’Aministration Publique, Montreal.
Mann-Feder,V., Blanchet-Cohen. N. & Ranahan, P. (2014, May) Responding to our current times: An approach to youth work education. Bi-annual conference of the School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, Victoria , British Columbia.
Mann-Feder, V. (2013, October). Leaving home, leaving care: Contributions to practice models for youth in transition. International Federation of Educative Communities (FICE), Bern, Switzerland.
Mann-Feder, V. (2013, October) Invited Chair for Dialogue Session on Transitions out of Care. International Federation of Educative Communities,(FICE), Bern, Switzerland.
Mann-Feder, V. & Snow, K. (2013, June). Connecting with youth at the crossroads of adulthood: A networking session. First World Conference of Child and Youth Care, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Mann-Feder, V., Kelly, C. & Mattingly, M. (2012, October) Reflections on resiliency and the evolution of the Child and Youth Care field: An interactive workshop. International Child and Youth Care Conference, Canmore, Alberta.