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Getting started: graduate studies in Economics

Welcome to Economics! Our Economics Graduate Team gives the answers to some common concerns that graduate students might have. Before selecting your program below, please note the following:

  • All applications without exception are evaluated by the Graduate Admission Committee.
  • The Offer of Admission that you received by email includes essential information about the conditions of your admission and your degree requirements. Make sure to read it very carefully, and to consult this document for tips about understanding your Offer of Admission.
  • The answer you’re looking for might be in our Frequently Asked Questions!
  • The Graduate Registration Guidelines and the Registration tips pages are a must-read for all new students.
  • The main staff contact in the Department of Economics for graduate studies is Kelly Routly. Ms. Routly can be reached at

Your offer of admission

Please read the page Understanding your offer of admission for more information about the conditions of your admission. These include:

  • Deadline to pay the confirmation deposit
  • Registration dates
  • Qualifying Program (if applicable)
  • Conditions, including ConCEPT testing, missing official transcripts, etc.
  • Tuition and fees

English Placement Test (ConCEPT)

You might have a condition in your offer of admission about taking the ConCEPT. This is managed by the Department of Education. Please go to English as a Second Language (ESL) for more information about taking the test, which can be taken online by appointment. If it is determined that you must take ESL 202 and/or 204, this becomes a condition of admission and graduation: it is not possible to waive this requirement.

International Students

The department cannot guide you when it comes to applying for the CAQ or Study permit. Please visit the International Student Office page for more information about immigration requirements. You may contact them at or attend an ISO advising drop-in session.

Course selection and registration

Please read the Graduate course registration guidelines and the Registration Tips to guide you in selecting your courses. Kindly note that you are encouraged to register for the tutorial (TUT) or lab (LAB) section accompanying the lecture (LEC) if there is one. If you get an error message stating that your account is blocked from registration, please contact Kelly Routly, Graduate Program Assistant in Economics, at

Tuition and fees

Information about expected tuition for your program can be found in your offer of admission. To learn more about deadlines, how tuition is calculated, etc., please visit Tuition and Fees.

Full-time status

Students in the Diploma must take 9 credits per term to be considered in full-time status.


The Department of Economics does not provide funding for Graduate Diploma students.

Concordia Student Hub

Visit the Student Hub for information about important academic dates and deadlines, financial information, how to get your student ID card, and more.

Your offer of admission

Please read the page Understanding your offer of admission for more information about the conditions of your admission. These include:

  • Deadline to pay the confirmation deposit
  • Registration dates
  • Qualifying Program (if applicable)
  • Conditions, including ConCEPT testing, missing official transcripts, etc.
  • Tuition and fees

English Placement Test (ConCEPT)

You might have a condition in your offer of admission about taking the ConCEPT. This is managed by the Department of Education. Please go to English as a Second Language (ESL) for more information about taking the test, which can be taken online by appointment. If it is determined that you must take ESL 202 and/or 204, this becomes a condition of admission and graduation: it is not possible to waive this requirement.

International Students

The department cannot guide you when it comes to applying for the CAQ or Study permit. Please visit the International Student Office page for more information about immigration requirements. You may contact them at or attend an ISO advising drop-in session.

Course selection and registration

Please read the Graduate course registration guidelines and the Registration Tips to guide you in selecting your courses. Kindly note that you must register for the tutorial (TUT) or lab (LAB) section accompanying the lecture (LEC) if there is one. If you get an error message stating that your account is blocked from registration, please contact Kelly Routly, Graduate Program Assistant in Economics, at

Tuition and fees

Information about expected tuition for your program can be found in your offer of admission. To learn more about deadlines, how tuition is calculated, etc., please visit Tuition and Fees.

Full-time status

Students in the MA are automatically considered as being on full-time status.


The department does not generally offer funding to newly admitted MA applicants. However, funding may be offered on an exceptional basis to in-course MA students

Co-op program

Students who checked the ‘I’m interested in Co-op’ box on their admission form will be contacted once a decision has been made on their file. If you are now interested in joining Co-op, please visit our Co-op page for more information.

A Co-op student is subject to the same academic requirements as a regular MA student: 27 credits of course work and an 18-credit MA thesis (students admitted before the Fall 2021 entrants must do 24 credits of course work and a 21-credit MA paper). The Co-op requirements are on top of those.  

Choosing a supervisor and working on your MA Thesis

We do not expect MA students to choose their thesis supervisor before starting their studies. Visit the page MA thesis guidelines for more information.

Concordia Student Hub

Visit the Student Hub for information about important academic dates and deadlines, financial information, how to get your student ID card, and more.

Your offer of admission

Please review the page Understanding your offer of admission for more information about the conditions of your admission. These include:

  • Deadline to pay the confirmation deposit
  • Registration dates
  • Qualifying Program (if applicable)
  • Conditions, including ConCEPT testing, missing official transcripts, etc.
  • Tuition and fees

English Placement Test (ConCEPT)

You might have a condition in your offer of admission about taking the ConCEPT. This is managed by the Department of Education. Please go to English as a Second Language (ESL) for more information about taking the test, which can be taken online by appointment. If it is determined that you must take ESL 202 and/or 204, this becomes a condition of admission and graduation: it is not possible to waive this requirement.

International Students

The department cannot guide you when it comes to applying for the CAQ or Study permit. Please visit the International Student Office page for more information about immigration requirements. You may contact them at or attend an ISO advising drop-in session.

Course selection and registration

Please read the Graduate course registration guidelines and the Registration Tips to guide you in selecting your courses. Kindly note that you must register for the tutorial (TUT) or lab (LAB) section accompanying the lecture (LEC) if there is one. If you get an error message stating that your account is blocked from registration, please contact Kelly Routly, Graduate Program Assistant in Economics, at

Tuition and fees

Information about expected tuition for your program can be found in your offer of admission. To learn more about deadlines, how tuition is calculated, etc., please visit Tuition and Fees.

Full-time status

Students in the PhD are automatically considered as being on full-time status.


You can see the total amount of the funding package that the Department of Economics has offered you in your Offer of Admission. Scolarships are usually disbursed 5 days following the DNE date. More funding opportunities at Concordia are listed on this page.

Choosing a supervisor and working on your PhD Thesis

We do not expect PhD students to choose their thesis supervisor before starting their studies. Please refer to the Graduate Calendar for more information about the thesis and degree requirements.

Concordia Student Hub

Visit the Student Hub for information about important academic dates and deadlines, financial information, how to get your student ID card, and more.

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