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Book cover of American Evangelicals for Trump: Dominion, Spiritual Warfare, and the End Times by André Gagné

André Gagné

Featured publication: 

American Evangelicals for Trump: Dominion, Spiritual Warfare, and the End Times. (Studies in Religion). Milton Park, Milton: UK, Routledge, 2024 [trans. by L. Shanahan].

This book introduces the American Evangelical movement and the role it played in the support of Donald Trump. Specifically, it focuses on the Neocharismatic-Pentecostal (NCP) leaders, their beliefs, and their political strategies. The author examines why 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016, and why he still received between 76% and 81% of their vote in 2020 despite losing the presidency. Additionally, the book discusses how NCP leaders are part of the Christian Right, a religious coalition with a political agenda centered on controversial issues such as anti-abortion activism, opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, and the protection of religious freedom.

Book cover of American Evangelicals for Trump: Dominion, Spiritual Warfare, and the End Times by André Gagné

Lucian Turcescu

Featured publication: 

Churches, Memory and Justice in Post-communism Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 [co-editor Lavinia Stan]. 

This edited volume:

  • Explains how civil society (groups such as religious denominations) contributes to transitional justice efforts to address and redress past dictatorial repression
  • Ascertains the impact of state-led reckoning programs on religious communities and their members
  • Renews the focus on the factors that determine the adoption (or rejection) of efforts to reckon with past human rights abuses in post-communism
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