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Student life & services

Explore our student associations, support services and resources that nurture a welcoming community alongside academic growth in the Department of Theological Studies.

Marc-André Argentino

In the spotlight

Meet our alumnus, Marc-André Argentino, who is a PhD graduate co-supervised by Dr. André Gagné in Theological Studies.

Marc-André's research examines how extremist groups leverage technology to create propaganda and recruit members for ideological causes. 

Read more about Marc-André and alumni

Theological Graduate Student Association (TGSA)

The Department of Theological Studies’ Graduate Student Association (TSGSA) organizes social and academic events to enhance the university experience of Graduate students in the Theological Studies Graduate program. Events organized by the TSGSA include guest lectures, book clubs, graduate roundtables, and pub nights.

To get involved in the TSGSA, please get in touch with the Graduate Student Representative, Zackari Bourgeois:

Academic advising

Get academic advising from our program directors by requesting an appointment.

Graduate Program Director
Lucian Turcescu

Undergraduate Program Director
Christine Jamieson

Assistant to Chair and Program Director
Scott Royle

Learned societies of Theology

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