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About the department

The Department of Theological Studies is dedicated to training professional theologians and researchers while expanding the horizons for students seeking to appreciate their heritage.

What is Theological Studies?

Theological Studies examines the intersection of religious experience and human society, and our department aims to demystify centuries of knowledge for every student. Our courses and degree programs delve into interpretation theory, historical analysis, psychological insights and theoretical exploration.

In our department, we engage in the study of theology in three broad areas of research: 

1. Scripture

  • Compositional history of Hebrew Bible and New Testament 
  • Translation and analysis (Biblical Hebrew and Greek, philology, syntax, and thematic studies)
  • Interpretation of texts

2. History and Tradition

  • Reception of the Bible throughout history
  • Foundational theology – philosophical analyses of Christian thought; history of Christian doctrines and practices
  • History of Christianity and its traditions

3. Ethics and Spirituality

  • Ethics (bioethics, clinical and applied ethics) - the interaction of religious wisdom with pressing contemporary moral issues.
  • Christian spirituality - self-awareness, self-integration and self-transcendence in the quest for life's meaning
  • Religion and politics - the interplay between religion and politics in contemporary global contexts; contextual theology
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