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Access and conduct
  1. You must be a registered member at Le Gym. Scanning your bar code at the welcome centre desk prior to training is required.

Equipment and attire
  1. All personal items must be stored in the locker rooms upstairs.
  2. Only sport training clothing, such as T-shirt, shorts or sweat pants and other athletic warm-up gear are to be worn on premises. Jeans, jeans shorts, any article of clothing with zippers or rivets and other regular outdoor attire are not permitted on the fitness centre floor.
  3. T-shirts must stay on while outside of the locker rooms.
  4. Athletic footwear (closed toe and heel) must be worn by all users while training in the facility. No outside footwear please, no winter boots or sandals can be worn while training.
Rules and Etiquette
  1. There is no towel service. Bring your own towel. 
  2. Water is the only sustenance allowed on the fitness centre floor studios and gymnasium. Water must be in a plastic re-sealable container. No food is permitted on the fitness centre floor studios and gymnasium. Only available to fill water bottles.
  3. Respect the machines (and your body) by using all equipment as per its designed use.
  4. Please ask for assistance from our monitors and personal trainers if you are not sure about training methodology.
  5. Clean and return any portable equipment to its original storage space after use.
  6. Do not bounce free weights or plates on the MONDO floor.
  7. All free weight equipment must be kept on the fitness centre floor.
  8. Train with and attempt only weight resistance that you can safely control.
  9. Use spotters or ask for help when using heavy weight on the benches or in the Olympic press area.
  10. Collars (safety clamps) must be used with all bars in the free weightlifting area.
  11. Do not linger on the machines between sets so that others can use the equipment.
  12. Please clean and wipe dry any equipment after use using the paper towels and disinfectant provided.
  13. Weights and bars of any kind cannot be leaned against the wall, pillars, equipment or mirrors.
  14. Maintain open pathways for easy access and traffic movement.
  15. Personal music can only be played on devices using headphones. Speakers are not allowed.
  16. All bags are to be kept in the locker rooms and are not allowed on fitness centre floor, studios or gymnasium.
  17. Any music that is to be played in the studios, fitness centre floor or gymnasium is to be administered by Le Gym staff.
  18. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, intimidation, or disrespect of any kind (be it verbal, emotional, physical) towards fellow students, student-athletes, or Le Gym staff.
  19. Photo and video are not permitted within the Le Gym Fitness Facility without Le Gym management permission.
  20. No Facetime or video calls are permitted on the conditioning floor.
  1. Only Le Gym personal trainers on duty are allowed to train clients in the Le Gym fitness centre.
  2. Le Gym personal trainers have priority to any equipment for personal training program clients.
  3. Thank you for making this fitness centre your place of training and for complying with these regulations. Our staff has the right to interpret and apply these regulations to ensure maximum service quality and safety to ALL OUR CLIENTS.
  4. The management of Le Gym at Concordia University has the right to cancel membership privileges in case of lack of respect and adherence to the above-mentioned regulations.


Only Concordia personal trainers are allowed to train clients in the Le Gym Facility.

Personal Training is defined by any of the following:

  • Leading an individual through a designed workout.
  • Providing one-on-one exercise instruction and education.
  • Prescribing a fitness program for another individual.
  • Verbally or visually promoting a personal training company.
  • Receiving payment for exercise guidance, including payment of guest fee.

Anyone suspected of acting as a personal trainer by exhibiting any of the above-mentioned behaviours will be questioned and informed of the Le Gym Concordia policies. Any individual acting as a personal trainer, as defined above, or who is not employed by Concordia Recreation and Athletics as a certified personal trainer or strength coach will be asked to discontinue. If the individual fails to comply with this request, all membership and guest privileges may be suspended or revoked for the individual in question and client(s) involved.

Personal trainers will have priority to any equipment for personal training program clients.

Reasons why trainers not affiliated with Le Gym Concordia are prohibited from personal training:

In Quebec, no regulations exist regarding the profession of personal training. This lack of regulation causes many under-qualified or uneducated "trainers" to claim the title of "Personal Trainer" or "Strength Coach." Due to liability issues and other reasons listed below, Le Gym Concordia requires all trainers working within the building to maintain certification through a nationally recognized organization and meet specific academic requirements essential for quality personal training. We uphold these strict criteria for our trainers in an effort to ensure that the personal training program remains a quality service on the cutting edge of this field.

Personal training for our purposes is defined as one-on-one fitness instruction to another individual or group.

Reasons why non-Concordia trainers are not allowed to train within the Le Gym Training Facility:

  • The Le Gym Concordia Facility cannot adequately control the quality of personal training from individuals that are not employed by the Le Gym. These individuals may not have adequate academic background, ability, training or experience to correctly train clients. In addition, Le Gym is very limited in its ability to regulate these individuals in order to prevent or correct potential erroneous information or technique passed on to clients.
  • Individuals not employed by Le Gym Concordia as a personal trainer or strength coach have not been trained by the Le Gym Concordia staff, policies, rules, guidelines, procedures, or standards and therefore, are unauthorized trainers.
  • A legal liability arises for Le Gym Concordia if we are aware of outside personal trainers working within the Le Gym Concordia Facility.
  • The use of the Le Gym Concordia Facility for outside personal training is in direct competition with the personal training service that Le Gym offers.

Fitness Centre Attendants may ask any patron to leave the facility if necessary and have the right to interpret and apply these regulations to ensure that all our client’s training experience is positive, safe and enjoyable.

Le Gym Concordia has the right to cancel membership privileges in case of lack of respect and adherence to the above-mentioned regulations.


Lockers are free to use during your activity only.

  1. Bring your own lock (use strong reliable locks) or purchase a lock at the reception desk.
  2. Locks left overnight will be removed and all contents will be placed into Le Gym storage for seven days, please stop by the reception desk for more information. 

Concordia University Code of Rights and Responsibilities

The Code of Rights and Responsibilities (PDF) is intended to promote and protect the values of civility, equity, respect, non-discrimination and an appreciation of diversity as well as support members who have experienced or are experiencing conduct that violates these fundamental values. All members may reasonably expect to pursue their work, studies, and other activities related to University life in a safe and civil environment. Please view link for complete policy.

Right of Refusal Policy

Le Gym, Recreation and Athletics reserves the right to refuse service or access based on violation of Le Gym Code of Conduct, Concordia University Code of Rights and Responsibilities, inappropriate conduct or for failing to follow the directions of the Le Gym staff.

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