Department of
Theological Studies
Building bridges between religious experience and human society.
Why study Theology?
The Department trains professional theologians and researchers while expanding the horizons of those seeking to appreciate their heritage.
The three main areas of Theological Studies include scripture, history and tradition, and ethics and spirituality.

In the spotlight
Meet our alumnus, Marc-André Argentino, who is a PhD graduate co-supervised by Dr. André Gagné in Theological Studies.
Marc-André's research examines how extremist groups leverage technology to create propaganda and recruit members for ideological causes.
Our programs
The Department of Theological Studies offers accredited degrees and courses for undergraduate and graduate study.
Funding & scholarships
Learn more about how to fund your studies in the department including funding for out-of-province students.

Featured faculty projects
Discover how our full-time and part-time faculty members are engaging with the community through service and public scholarship.
Latest news in Theological Studies

Dr. Christine Jamieson Receives High Honour