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Fighting Monkey Intensive Athens, January 2016

Mike Rafail

Alanna Kraaijeveld (she / her)

  • Part-time Instructor, Contemporary Dance

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Alanna is a contemporary dance artist, active in the milieu for 20 years. 

Her dance classes are a significant channel for her creativity, connection with artists, and for earning her living. She uses Fighting Monkey Practice as a base for what is shared, and enjoys bringing her ongoing study of judo, freestyle wrestling,sculpting, improvisation, and dance in dialogue with the modality.


She has along-standing duet with saxophonist Yves Charuest, focused on kinetics in and of expression. They improvise in music and art dedicated venues.


Alanna collaborates with artists Marie-Reine Kabasha as conseil artistique, and Marine Theunissen as interprète, in their respective creative processes.


She works in many roles: performer, teacher, improvisor,artistic support, creator.


She has been privileged to collaborate with 10 Gates Dancing / Tedd Robinson, Ame Henderson, Antonija Livingstone, Camille Lacelle-Welsey, Circolando, Chantal Baudouin, Company 605, Concordia University, Dance Arts Institute, Dancemakers, Danse à la Carte, DansEncorps, Dave St-Pierre, L’école de danse contemporaine de Montréal, École supérieure d’art dramatique Paris, Frédérick Gravel, Le Groupe Dance Lab, Justine Chambers, Louise Bédard Danse, Marie Claire Forté, Mayday / Mélanie Demers, Modus Operandi, Montréal Danse, Opéra Québec, School of Contemporary Dancers, School of Dance Ottawa, Springboard Dance / Gibney, Stella Adler Studio of Acting NYC, Studio 303, Susanna Hood, Sylvain Émard Danse, Toronto Dance Community Love-In, Toronto Dance Theatre, TransFormation Danse, University of Quebec à Montreal, Vim/Vigor (Shannon Gillen), William Parker, Winnipeg Contemporary Dancers, Young Lungs Dance Exchange…

Alanna is a close student of Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Frucek, developers of Fighting Monkey Practice (FM).  She holds a Master of Arts degree in Professional Practice (Dance Technique Pedagogy) from Middlesex University.

"I am compelled and driven by the labor of work and study.  This is ultimately what draws me to art.  I have conviction for plain ideas and find them worthy of my / our investment. I love to laugh.  I strive to make connections – with concepts, with others: as an approach it engenders direction, confusion, exposure, softness, suspension, rigor… all of which nourish and support my vitality."

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