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Donald A. Landes, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Philosophy

status: Limited Term Appointment

Research areas: 19th- and 20th-Century Continental Philosophy (esp. Phenomenology/Existentialism); Ethics (esp. Virtue Ethics, Ethics of Care, and Biomedical Ethics); History of Philosophy (esp. Kant to Postmodern)

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Postdoctoral Fellowship (SSHRC): McGill University (2010-2012)

PhD: Stony Brook University (2010)

MA: Dalhousie University (2003)

BA: Saint Mary’s University (2002)

Areas of specialization

19th- and 20th-Century Continental Philosophy (esp. Phenomenology/Existentialism); Ethics (esp. Virtue Ethics, Ethics of Care, and Biomedical Ethics); History of Philosophy (esp. Kant to Postmodern); Philosophy of Language (Continental, conversant with Analytic)

Key research topics: language, perception, embodiment, temporality, and responsibility.

Research interests

I am currently in the final year of a three-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in the Department of Philosophy at Concordia University (2012-2015). Prior to this, I held a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Philosophy at McGill University (2010-2012). My research and publications focus on three main areas of philosophy:

•19th and 20th Century European Philosophy – especially Phenomenology and Existentialism
•Ethics – especially Virtue Ethics, Ethics of Care, and Biomedical Ethics
•History of Philosophy – from Kant to Postmodern, and interest in Aristotle and Early Modern

In my research, I approach several topic areas, including: language, expression, perception, embodiment, temporality, virtue, care, and responsibility. In addition, I have extensive teaching expertise and broad teaching interests, as indicated on my C.V. At Concordia I teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels in Ethics and the History of Philosophy.

Selected publications


Single Author Books

Merleau-Ponty and the Paradoxes of Expression
. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 210 pages.

The Merleau-Ponty Dictionary. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 269 pages

Translated Book

Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Phenomenology of Perception. Translated by Donald A. Landes. New York: Routledge, 2012. 696 pages.

Edited Collection

Exploring the Work of Edward S. Casey: Giving Voice to Place, Memory and Imagination. Edited with an Introduction by Donald A. Landes and Azucena Cruz-Pierre. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 240 pages.

Selected Journal Articles or Book Chapters

“Expressive Bodies: Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Painting and Ontology.” Research in Phenomenology. (Accepted, Jan. 2014. Forthcoming)

“The Weight of Others.” In Body/Self/Other: The Phenomenology of Social Encounters. Edited by Danielle Petherbridge and Luna Dolezal. SUNY Press.Forthcoming 2015. (All contribution double blind reviewed).

“Memory, Sedimentation, Self: The Weight of the Ideal in the Logic of Expression – Bergson and Merleau-Ponty.” In Time, Memory,Institution: Merleau-Ponty’s New Ontology of Self, edited by Kym Maclaren and David Morris. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. (Forthcoming, 2014)

“Phenomenology, Ontology, and the Arts: Reading Jessica Wiskus’s The Rhythm of Thought” [Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013].Chiasmi International 16 (2014): 345–352.

“Individuals and Technology: Gilbert Simondon, From Ontology to Ethics to Feminist Bioethics.” Continental Philosophy Review 47, no. 2(June 2014): 153–76.

“Immanence, Difference, and the Overcoming of Metaphysics: A Book Encounter [critical notice] with Leonard Lawlor’s Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy (Indiana University Press, 2012).”PhaenEx 8, no. 2 (2013): 360–74.

“This Phenomenological Patchwork (Critical Notice of The Routledge Companion to Phenomenology, edited by Sebastian Luft and Søren Overgaard).” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20, no. 4 (2012): 565–78.

“Phenomenology.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, edited by Gregory Castle. Oxford: Blackwell, 2011. (21 MS pages)

“Expressive Body, Ex-scriptive Corpus: Tracing the Body from Maurice Merleau-Ponty to Jean-Luc Nancy.” Chiasmi International:Tri-lingual Studies Concerning the Thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, no. 9(2008): 249–69.

“Expression and Speaking-With in the Work of Luce Irigaray.” In Luce Irigaray: Teaching, edited by Luce Irigaray with Mary Green, 169­–80. London: Continuum, 2008.

Le Toucher and the Corpus of Tact: Exploring Touch and Technicity with Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy.” L’Espirt Créateur 47, no. 3 (Fall 2007):80–92.

Teaching at Concordia

Phil621/430  Advanced Topics in Ethical Theory: Virtue Ethics, Fall 2014

Phil487/607 Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Fall 2013

Phil 330  Contemporary Ethical Theory, Winter 2014

Phil 275  From Modernism to Postmodernism, Fall 2012

Phil 255  Philosophy of Leisure, Winter 2013

Phil 235  Biomedical Ethics (Online),Designed and Recorded: Winter 2015, Fall 2014                       

Phil 235  Biomedical Ethics (Online), Delivery of course recorded by previous instructor: Summer 2014, Winter 2014, Fall 2013, Summer 2013, Winter 2013, Fall 2012, Summer 2012

Phil 233  Applied Ethics, Fall 2012

Phil 232  Introduction to Ethics, Winter 2015, Winter 2014, Winter 2013, Fall 2013

Phil 201  Basic Problems of Philosophy, Winter 2015

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