Michael Carney, PhD
- Professor, Management
- Concordia University Research Chair, Management
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He is the former Editor-in-Chief of Asia Pacific Journal of Management, He has published in Journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Family Business Review, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of World Business, Management and Organization Review, Organization Studies, and Strategic Management Journal.
PhD (University of Bradford)Areas of expertise
- Business Groups
- Family Business
- Firm and National Competitiveness
Selected Publications
Carney M &Dieleman, M. (Eds) The De Gruyter Handbook of Business Families (2023). https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110727968/html
(Carney, M.) Asian Business Groups: Context, Governance, and Performance. Elsevier(2008)
Shapiro D., Estrin, S., Carney, M., & Liang, Z; (2023) “Businessgroup affiliation and export performance: the role of institutionalconfigurations”. Journal of Management Studies https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12973
Carney, M. Estrin, Liang, Z & Shapiro, D. (2022) “Are LatinAmerican Business Groups Different? An International Political EconomyPerspective.” Multinational BusinessReview, 30(4), 546-572 https://doi.org/10.1108/MBR-07-2021-0089
Gorji, Y.Carney, M., Prakash, R (2021) “Celebrity Couples as Business Families: A SocialNetwork Perspective” Family BusinessReview, 34(4) 365–384
JaskiewiczP., Block J., Carney M., Hansen, C, & Wagner D. (2021) “How Do Cross-Country Differences in Institutional Trust and Trust inFamily Explain the Mixed Performance Effects of Family Management? A Meta-Analysis.” Journal of World Business, 56:5:101-196
Braun, M., Carney, M., Duran, P., Ortiz, M., &Riutort, J. (2021) “Inheritance Tax, ShareholderProtection, and the Market Value of Family-Controlled Firms: A Cross-CountryAnalysis. Global Strategy Journal, 11:3:434-467
JaskiewiczP., Carney M., Hansen, C. (2021) “When trusting yourfamily hurts your family business” Published onlinein Harvard Business Review. Online permalink: http://hdl.handle.net/10993/47747
Liang, Z, & Carney,M. (2020) Business Group Persistence and InstitutionalMaturity: The Role of Management Practices. Industrial & Corporate Change. 29:6:1483-1503
Zhao, J., Carney, M., Zhang, S., & Zhu,L. (2020) “Strategic Change and Performance in China's Family Firms: How doesSuccession Matter?” Asia Pacific Journalof Management 37:363–389
Gorji, Y., Carney, M., &Prakash, R. (2020) Indirect nepotism: Network sponsorship, social capital andcareer performance in show business families. Journal of FamilyBusiness Strategy, 11:3:100285
Tajeddin,M., & Carney, M. (2019). African business groups: how does groupaffiliation improve SMEs’ export intensity? Entrepreneurship Theory andPractice, 43:6:1194-1222.
Ge,J., Carney, M., & Kellermanns, F. (2019). Who fills institutional voids?Entrepreneurs’ utilization of political and family ties in emergingmarkets. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43:6:1124-1147.
Carney,M; Estrin, S; Liang, S; & Shapiro, D. (2019) “National InstitutionalConfigurations, Foreign Ownership, andFirm Performance: The Case ofUnderstudied Countries” Journal of WorldBusiness, 54:4:244-257
Nason, R., Mazzelli, A., & Carney, M. (2019) “The ties that unbind: Socializationand business-owning family reference point shift” Academy of Management Review, 44:4:846-870
Mazzelli, A., Nason,R., & Carney, M. (2019) “Dialogue:Breadth and Depth in FamilyBusiness Research: A Response to Jaskiewicz, Combs, and Ketchen.” Academy of Management Review, 44:4:919-922
Nason,R., Carney, M., Miller, D., & Le Breton-Miller, I. (2019) “Who cares about socioemotional wealth? SEW and rentierperspectives on the 1% wealthiest business households” Journal ofFamily Business Strategy 10:2:144-158
Estrin,S., Liang, Z., Shapiro, D., & Carney, M. (2019). State capitalism, economicsystems and the performance of state-owned firms. Acta Oeconomica, 69:1:175-193.
Carney, M., Estrin, S., Shapiro, D., & Van Essen, M. (2018)“Business Groups Reconsidered: Beyond Paragons and Parasites” Academy of Management Perspectives, 32:4:93-516
Carney, M., Zhao, J., &Zhu, L. (2019). Lean innovation: Family firm succession and patenting strategyin a dynamic institutional landscape. Journal of Family BusinessStrategy, 10:4:100247.
Carney,M. & Nason, R. (2018) “Family Business and the 1%” Business & Society,57:6:1191–1215
Carney, M., Duran, P., van Essen, M., & Shapiro, D. (2017).“Family firms, internationalization, and national competitiveness: Does familyfirm prevalence matter?” Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8:3:123-136.
Carney, M., Van Essen, M. Estrin, S., &Shapiro, D. (2017) “Business Group Prevalence Across Countries and Over Time:What Can We Learn from the Literature?” MultinationalBusiness Review 25:1:54-76
Carney, M.,Dieleman, M., & Taussig, M. (2016) “How are institutional capabilitiestransferred across borders?” Journal ofWorld Business, 51:6:882-894
Carney, M., & Jaskiewicz, P. (2015) “SixBooks That Have Shaped the Landscape of Family Firm Scholarship” Academy of Management Learning and Education,14:3:423-428
Van Essen, M., Strike, V. M., Carney,M., & Sapp, S. (2015). The resilient family firm: Stakeholder outcomes andinstitutional effects. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 23:3:167-183.Republished in CGIR virtual special issue on “Corporate Governance duringCrises” April 2020 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8683.Crises-VI
Carney, M. VanEssen, M. Gedajlovic, E. & Huegens, P. (2015) “What Do We Know About PrivateFamily Firm? A Meta-Analytic Review EntrepreneurshipTheory & Practice, 39:3:513-544
Van Essen, M. Carney, M. Gedajlovic, E& Huegens, P. (2015) “How Does Family Control Influence Firm Strategy andPerformance? A Meta-Analysis of U.S. Publicly-Listed Firms”. Corporate Governance: An InternationalReview, 23(1): 3–24. Republished in CGIR virtual specialissue on “Corporate Governance during Crises” April 2020 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1111/(ISSN)1467-8683.Crises-VI
Carney, M. Gedajlovic, E, & Strike, V. (2014)“Dead Money: Inheritance Law and the Longevity of Family Firms” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38:6:1261-1283
Van Essen, M. Engelen, PJ. & Carney, M. (2013) “Does ‘Good’Corporate Governance Help in a Crisis? The Impact of Country- And Firm-LevelGovernance Mechanisms in the European Financial Crisis” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21:3:201–224
Su, E. & Carney, M. (2013) “Can China's Family Firms Create IntellectualCapital?” Asia Pacific Journal ofManagement 30: 3:657–675
Gedajlovic, E. Carney, M. Chrisman, J. &Kellermanns, FW. (2012) The Adolescence of Family Firm Research: Taking Stockand Planning for the Future. Journalof Management, 38:4:1010-1037
Reprinted in Family Business Vol 1. Pramodita Sharma& Leif Melin (Eds) Sage Library in Business and Management, London, Sage(2014)
Sharma, P. & Carney, M. (2012) “Value Creation and Performance inPrivate Family Firms: Measurement and Methodological Issues” Editorial forSpecial issue of Family Business Review25:233-242
Van Essen, M. Van Oosterhout,J. & Carney, M. (2012)“Corporate Boards and the Performance of Asian Firms: AMeta-Analysis” Asia-Pacific Journal ofManagement 29:4:873–905*Winner of Mike Peng APJM Annual Best Paper Award
Carney, M. Gedajlovic, E. Huegens, P. Van Essen, M. & Van Oosterhout, J. (2011) “Business Group Affiliation, Performance, Context, andStrategy: A Meta-Analysis” Academy ofManagement Journal 54:3:437-460
Carney, M.Gedajlovic, E. & Sur, S. (2011) ‘Corporate Governance and StakeholderConflict’ Journal of Management &Governance 15:3:483-507
Carney, M. & Dieleman, M. (2011) “Indonesia’s Missing Multinationals: Business Groups andOutward Direct Investment” Bulletinof Indonesian Economic Studies 47:1:63-84
Gedajlovic, E. & Carney, M., (2010)“Markets, Hierarchies, and Families: Toward a Transaction Costs Theory of theFamily Firm’ Entrepreneurship Theory& Practice, 34:6:1145-1171
Carney, M. Shapiro, D. & Tang, T.(2009) ‘Business Group Performance in China: Ownership and Temporal Considerations.’Management and Organization Review, 5:2:167-193
Carney, M. Gedajlovic, E. & Yang, X. (2009) ‘Varieties of Asian Capitalism: Toward an InstitutionalTheory of Asian Enterprise’ Asia-Pacific Journal of Management 26:3:361-380
Reprinted in State Capitalism, Barbara Krug, (Ed) Edward Elgar,Cheltenham (2014)
Reprinted in Asian Business & Management Michael A. Witt (Ed) Sage Library in Business andManagement, London, Sage (2012)
Carney, M. (2008) ‘The many futures of Asian Business Groups’ Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, 25:4:595-613
Lamertz, K. Carney, M. & Bastien, F. (2008) ‘Image on the Internet: Inter-organizationalisomorphism in image management by professional soccer clubs.’ InternationalJournal of Sport Management and Marketing3:3:242-262
Carney, M. (2007) ‘Minority Family Firms inEmerging Markets: Organization Forms and Competitive Advantage.’ Family Business Review 20:4:289-300
Carney, M., &Farashahi, M. (2006) ‘Transnational institutions in developing countries: thecase of Iranian civil aviation.’ Organization Studies, 27:1:53-77
Carney, M., &Dostaler, I. (2006) ‘Airline ownership and control: A corporate governanceperspective.’ Journal of Air Transport Management, 12:2:63-75.
Carney,M. (2005) ‘Corporate governance and competitive advantage in family-controlledfirms.’ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 29:3:249-265
Reprinted in ‘Fundamentals ofCorporate Governance’ Thomas Clarke and Marie de la Rama (Eds), Sage Libraryin Business and Management (2008)
Reprinted in Family Business Vol 4. Pramodita Sharma& Leif Melin (Eds) Sage Library in Business and Management, London, Sage(2014)
Carney, M. (2005) ‘Globalization and therenewal of Asian business networks’ Asia Pacific Journal of Management 22:337-354
Carney, M. (2004) ‘The Institutions ofIndustrial Restructuring in Southeast Asia’ Asia Pacific Journal ofManagement 21:171-188
Carney, M. &Mew, K. (2003) ‘AirportGovernance Reform: A Strategic Management Perspective’ Journal of AirTransport Management 9:221-232
Carney, M.& Gedajlovic, E. (2003) ‘Strategic Innovationand the Administrative Heritage of East Asian Chinese Family Business Groups’Asia Pacific Journal of Management 20:5-26
Carney M.& Gedajlovic, E. (2002) ‘CoupledOwnership & Control and the Allocation Of Financial Resources: EvidenceFrom Hong Kong’ Journal of Management Studies 39:1:123-146
Carney M. & Gedajlovic, E. (2002) ‘The Co-Evolution of InstitutionalEnvironments and Organizational Strategies: The Rise of Family Business Groupsin the ASEAN Region’ Organization Studies 23:1:1-29
Reprinted inOrganizational Learning & KnowledgeManagement William H. Starbuck (Ed.) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (2007).
Alsoreprinted in New Directions inOrganization Studies Stewart R Clegg (Ed) Sage Publications, London(2009)
Alsoreprinted in Asian Business & Management Michael A Witt (Ed) Sage Library in Business andManagement, London, Sage (2012)
Carney M. & Gedajlovic, E. (2002) ‘Institutional Change and Firm Adaptation:Toward a Typology of Southeast Asian Corporate Forms’ Asia Pacific Business Review 8:3:31-60
Backx, M. Carney, M. &Gedajlovic, E. (2002) ‘Public, private and mixed ownership modes and theperformance of international airlines’ Journal of Air Transport Management 8:4:213-220
Carney, M & Gedajlovic, E. (2001) ‘Corporate Governance and Firm Capabilities: A Comparisonof Managerial, Alliance, and Personal Capitalisms’ Asia-Pacific Journal of Management18:337-356
Carney, M & Gedajlovic, E. (2000) ‘EastAsian Financial Systems and the transition from investment-driven to innovationdriven economic development’ InternationalJournal of Innovation Management 4:3:253-276
Carney, M. & Davies, H. (1999) ‘From Entrepot to Entrepot via MerchantManufacturing: Adaptive Mechanisms, Organizational Capabilities and theStructure of the Hong Kong Economy’ AsiaPacific Business Review 6:1:13-32
Reprintedin Managed in Hong Kong: AdaptiveSystems, Enterpreneurship, and Human Resources Chris Rowley &Robert Fitzgerald (Eds.) London: FrankCass, (2000)
Carney, M. (1998) ‘The Competitiveness ofNetworked Production: The Role of Asset Specificity and Trust’ Journal of Management Studies 35:4:457-480
Carney, M. (1998) ‘A Management-Capacity Constraint? Obstacles to the Development of theOverseas Chinese Family Business’ Asia-PacificJournal of Management 15:2:137-1621-25
Carney, M. (1997) ‘State developmentstrategies for small business: The role of structural service agencies’ International Journal of InnovationManagement. 1:2:151-172
Carney, M. (1992) ‘The Incentive Structuresof Cooperative Retail Buying Groups’ Economicand Industrial Democracy, 13:207-231
Carney, M. & Gedajlovic, E. (1991) ‘VerticalIntegration in Franchise Systems: Agency Theory and Resource Explanations’ Strategic Management Journal, 12:8:607‑629
Carney, M. (1987) ‘The Strategy andStructure of Collective Action’ OrganizationStudies, 8:4: 341‑362
Butler, RJ. & Carney, M. (1987) ‘PublicChoice, Ambiguity, and Regulation’ ScandinavianManagement Journal 3: 3:233-253
Butler, RJ. & Carney, M. (1986) ‘Strategyand Strategic Choice: The Case of Telecommunications’ Strategic Management Journal 7:2:161‑171
Carney, M. (1986) ‘Strategy in theTelecommunications Market: The Effects of Liberalization and Competition’ Telecommunications Policy 10:3:245‑258
Butler, RJ. & Carney, M. (1983) ‘ManagingMarkets: Implications for the Make‑buy Decision’ Journal of Management Studies 20:2:213‑232