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Gaetan Leboeuf

  • Part-time Instructor, Contemporary Dance

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13:00 to 13:45 and 16:00 to 16:30 Tuesday and Thursday

in or outside classroom


Composer, singer and writer, has composed music since 1986. He collaborated with, among others, Danièle Desnoyers, Deborah Dunn, Paul-André Fortier, Margie Gillis, Ginette Laurin, Jean Pierre Perreault, and Dough Varone in dance; Martin Faucher, Gervais Gaudreault, Denis Marleau et Claude Poissant in theatre; and with Bernar Hébert, Pat-Smith Strong and Bruneau Baillargeon in video production. Concurrently, he is pursuing a career as a writer (two of his novels were published by Québec-Amérique and another by Triptyques). Leboeuf has been a part-time music teacher with the Contemporary Dance department of Concordia since 2008.
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