Course sequences for Industrial Engineering (BEng)
Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. The recommended course sequences do not take into account any deficiencies or advanced standing you’ve received, since these vary from one student to another.
Program requirements
It is important to note that all 200-level courses within the program which are prerequisites for other courses must be completed with a C- or higher. A 200-level course in which a student has obtained a D+ or lower must be repeated before attempting a course for which it is a prerequisite.
Additionally, all students must have completed all 200-level courses required for their program before they can register for any 400-level course. This means that you will not be allowed to register for your 400-level courses until the final grades of all 200-level courses are released.
Industrial Engineering
course sequences
Extended Credit Program (ECP)
Most students entering Concordia from a secondary school outside Quebec are admitted to the ECP. This requires the completion of 30 credits in addition to the regular 90- or 120-credit degree programs.
Mature Entry Program (MEP)
Canadians and Permanent Residents who are 21 years of age or older and who lack the normal pre-university schooling may be considered for admission to the MEP, which requires successful completion of a minimum of 18 additional credits.
To fulfill the requirements of the General Education Elective or General Electives, students may choose courses from either Humanities, Social Sciences or Other Complementary Studies from the list below.
Students in the Extended Credit Program (ECP), the Mature Entry Program (MEP) or any other students who have been assigned credits in Humanities and Social Sciences must select those credits ONLY from those corresponding lists. Those credits cannot be chosen from the list of Other Complementary Studies.
Industrial Engineering students who completed a Basic and Natural Science, prior to Fall 2023, may use this course to replace a required INDU technical elective. As a result, the student is permitted to graduate with the completion of only two INDU courses, instead of three.
Please refer to the Curriculum Change letter (March 2023) for complete information on the changes to the Basic and Natural Science requirements.
Letter sent to all engineering students in: