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Section 71.20.2 Alternative Entry Programs

Alternative Entry Programs

The Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science offers three additional paths for students to pursue their engineering degrees:

Mature Entry Program

Extended Credit Program

Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program

Mature Entry Program

Please see Section 14.2.3 Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science for details regarding the Engineering Mature Entry Requirements.

Extended Credit Program

Students admitted to an Extended Credit Program under the provisions of  Section 13.3 Admission Requirements or under Section 13.8 Selection Process and Notification must successfully complete the requirements of a specific program, as set out in Section 71.30 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to Section 71.55 Aerospace Engineering and in  Section 71.70.9 Degree Requirements for the BEng in Software Engineering, plus the following courses:

CHEM 205 General Chemistry I (3.00)
MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 204 Vectors and Matrices (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)
PHYS 204 Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 205 Electricity and Magnetism (3.00)
Six credits of  Natural Science Electives  chosen from the list below. 

Six credits chosen from General Education Humanities and Social Sciences Electives . English as a Second Language (ESL) Coursesand courses that focus on the acquisition of a language may not be used to meet this requirement. 

Natural Science Electives

BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)
BIOL 202 General Biology (3.00)
BIOL 206 Elementary Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 261 Molecular and General Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 266 Cell Biology (3.00)
CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)
CHEM 217 Introductory Analytical Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 221 Introductory Organic Chemistry I (3.00)
GEOL 206 Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Plate Tectonics (3.00)
GEOL 208 The Earth, Moon and the Planets (3.00)
PHYS 206 Waves and Modern Physics (3.00)
PHYS 252 Optics (3.00)
PHYS 260 Introductory Biophysics (3.00)
PHYS 273 Energy and Environment (3.00)
PHYS 284 Introduction to Astronomy (3.00)
PHYS 367 Modern Physics and Relativity (3.00)
PHYS 385 Astrophysics (3.00)
PHYS 443 Quantitative Human Systems Physiology (3.00)
PHYS 445 Principles of Medical Imaging (3.00)

Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program

The Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program for BComm is offered to eligible Indigenous students, specifically First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples whose communities are located in Canada, who do not meet the normal admission requirements. Students will acquire the prerequisite courses and skills in order to access and transition into the undergraduate program of their choice at Concordia University. For the admissions criteria, please see Section 14.5 Admission as a Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program Student.

Please see the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program website for more information:


Students must complete the courses outlined below. Upon successful completion of the bridging program, students will transition into the BEng program of choice and must fulfill its requirements to graduate. Students should consult with the bridging program advisor for assistance in selecting courses when necessary.

Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program (36 credits)


ENCS 272 Composition and Argumentation for Engineers (3.00)
ENCS 282 Technical Writing and Communication (3.00)
ENGR 201 Professional Practice and Responsibility (1.50)
ENGR 202 Sustainable Development and Environmental Stewardship (1.50)
KNBP 200 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar I (1.50)
KNBP 201 Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Seminar II (1.50)
MATH 201 Elementary Functions (3.00)
MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)
PHYS 204 Mechanics (3.00)
UNSS 200 Self‑Management Strategies (1.50)
UNSS 201 Successful Study Strategies (1.50)

Note: The following courses cannot be used for credit in any Gina Cody School degree or Certificate program: ENCS 272; KNBP 200, KNBP 201; UNSS 200, UNSS 201.


credits chosen from:

BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)
BIOL 202 General Biology (3.00)

6credits chosen from the General Education Humanities and Social Sciences Electives.

Optional Course

PHYS 224 Introductory Experimental Mechanics (1.00)

Note: Students should meet with the bridging program advisor prior to enrolling in this optional course.

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