Section 13.3 Admission Requirements
Admission Requirements
Section 13.3.1 Applicants from Quebec Institutions
Section 13.3.2 Applicants from Other Canadian Provinces
Section 13.3.3 Transfers from Other Universities
Section 13.3.4 Transfers from Other Post-Secondary Institutions
Section 13.3.5 Transfer Credits and Exemptions
Section 13.3.6 Applicants from Outside Canada
Section 13.3.7 Former Concordia Students
Section 13.3.1 Applicants from Quebec Institutions
Applicants from Quebec Institutions
Quebec applicants must have successfully completed a two-year pre-university program in a Cegep and qualify for a Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) or the equivalent. Applicants who have completed a three-year professional program in a Cegep or have obtained another credential which makes them eligible for admission are also eligible for consideration.
Cegep records of applicants must include the successfully completed prerequisites of the Concordia degree program for which they are applying. These programs and admission requirements “profiles” are listed in:
- The programs and admission requirements listed under each Faculty section,
- The Concordia website.
Students admitted to a particular program at the University and who subsequently wish to change to another program may have to complete specific prerequisites in addition to their regular program requirements.
Section 13.3.2 Applicants from Other Canadian Provinces
Applicants from Other Canadian Provinces
When applying to a Faculty program, graduates of secondary schools in Canadian provinces and territories other than Quebec are considered for admission to the Extended Credit Program (ECP) at Concordia. The ECP requires completion of 30 credits in addition to the regular requirements. The duration of a degree program is normally four years. The BEng, BA (Early Childhood and Elementary Education), BEd (TESL), BSc in Athletic Therapy, and BFA (Specialization in Art Education) will generally require five years of full-time study to complete.
The ECP requirements are not applicable to students applying for admission to certificates, microprograms or the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program.
To be considered for admission, students must have successfully completed prerequisites of the Concordia degree program for which they are applying. The specific admission requirements are listed on the Concordia website.
Students admitted to a particular program at the University and who subsequently wish to change to another program may have to complete specific prerequisites in addition to their regular program requirements.
Section 13.3.3 Transfers from Other Universities
Transfers from Other Universities
Each transfer application is considered on its merits. The number of transfer credits granted depends on the character, quality, and quantity of the work completed at an accredited institution. In allowing transfer credits, some special conditions apply:
- Students will not be given credit for courses taken in another university during the same academic term in which they have registered for courses at Concordia University, unless special permission has been obtained in advance from this University. Further detailed information is available in Section 16.1.6 Studies at Other Universities of this Calendar.
- To earn an undergraduate degree, students must meet the University Residence Requirements as outlined in Section 16.2.2 Residence Requirements of this Calendar.
- Students transferring to Concordia after having failed to achieve a satisfactory record at any university must take a minimum of 60 credits at Concordia.
Section 13.3.4 Transfers from Other Post-Secondary Institutions
Transfers from Other Post-Secondary Institutions
Each transfer application is considered on its merits provided the studies were academic in nature and done at an accredited institution. Credits from certain junior colleges, community colleges, or colleges of applied arts and technology outside Quebec maybe considered for transfer credits.
Section 13.3.5 Transfer Credits and Exemptions
Transfer Credits and Exemptions
Transfer credits are credits for courses taken at another institution (or in another Concordia program) which may be transferred towards a Concordia degree or certificate. The respective Faculty assesses all requests for transfer credits. Concordia courses transferred from an incomplete degree, or certificate program, microprogram, the Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program, or from independent studies will have the credits transferred as well as the corresponding grade, provided a grade of C- or better has been achieved. Concordia courses transferred from a completed degree or certificate, microprogram or Kaié:ri Nikawerá:ke Indigenous Bridging Program will have some credits transferred but will not include the corresponding grades. Courses from another institution with a grade of C- or better (or equivalent) may have the credits transferred, if deemed appropriate, but will not include the corresponding grades.
An exemption from a course has no credit value towards a degree or certificate. Exemptions from required courses may be granted in cases where students have already covered the work at another institution, with an appropriate level of performance. Any such courses may be replaced with courses chosen in consultation with their advisors if it is a required course for their program. Students cannot retain credits for a repeated course or a course in which any exemption has been granted, unless they have been granted prior approval from the Faculty and/or departmental advisor.
Credit/No Credit Notation (CR/NC)
If students request a degree transfer or a modification to their program concentration by adding a new minor, major, specialization or honours program, and a course previously taken as a CR/NC elective becomes a required course for the new program concentration, the CR notation will be converted to a letter grade. Only courses with a grade of D- or better may be converted from a CR notation to a letter grade and all conversions must be approved by an academic advisor. The reversal of the CR notation to a letter grade is permanent. Courses with a grade of NC will not be converted to a letter grade. If a course that receives an NC notation is a required course for the new program concentration, students must repeat the course to receive a letter grade. See Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) Grading Basis under Section 16.1.11 Grading System.
Section 13.3.6 Applicants from Outside Canada
Applicants from Outside Canada
In general, candidates who have completed the level of education required for admission to university in their home country and have achieved grades meeting the minimum requirements for entry are eligible to apply for admission. Further information regarding international admission requirements is available in Section 19 International Students.
Section 13.3.7 Former Concordia Students
Former Concordia Students
Former Concordia students who have been absent from Concordia may be required to submit a new application for admission. Students are advised to contact Enrolment Services for information on the correct procedure. Students may have to resubmit proof of legal status in Canada and Quebec resident status after an absence of more than 12 months (see Section 13.7 Required Documents). Normally,
- Students who, during their absence from Concordia, attended another institution and attempted at least 12 credits, must submit a new application and make arrangements to have an official transcript sent to the Admissions Application Centre. Transfer credits will be assessed as part of the admissions process. If fewer than 12 credits have been attempted or if attendance at another institution was based exclusively on a letter of prior approval from the Faculty Student Request Committee, a new application would normally not be required.
- Students who officially withdrew from Concordia University and who wish to return to study must submit a new application. If they have attended another institution during their absence, they must also make arrangements to have an official transcript sent to the Admissions Application Centre.
- Students in the Faculty of Arts and Science who have been absent from their program for nine consecutive terms or more will be withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
- Students in the John Molson School of Business who have been absent from their program for six consecutive terms or more will be withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
- Students in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science who have been absent from their program for six consecutive terms or more will be withdrawn from their program and must submit a new application for admission through the Concordia website.
- Students in the Faculty of Fine Arts who have been absent from their program for nine consecutive terms or more will be withdrawn from their program and must meet with an academic advisor before reinstatement into the program.
The respective Faculty assesses all requests for transfer credits. Further detailed information is available in Section 13.3.3 Transfers from Other Universities, Section 16.1.6 Studies at Other Universities, and Section 16.2.2 Residence Requirements of this Calendar.