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Section 13.4 Language Proficiency

Language Proficiency

While the language of instruction at Concordia is English, most assignments and examinations may be submitted in French. Students whose first language is not English must demonstrate language proficiency prior to their admission to Concordia. They will ordinarily be exempt from pre-admission English tests if they have completed any of the following criteria:

  • The last four years of high school studies in Quebec and the DES (Secondary V);
  • Both Secondary V and the Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) in Quebec;
  • The Diploma of Collegial Studies (DEC) at an English Cegep in Quebec;
  • A minimum of three full years of study in an institution where the sole language of instruction is English;
  • Four full years of study in Canada in French at the secondary-school level immediately prior to graduating;
  • The course Group 1 English (Language A: Literature, Language A: Language & Literature, or Literature & Performance) (Higher or Standard level) in the International Baccalaureate (IB);
  • The European Baccalaureat English as language 1 or language 2;
  • The American, Australian or British Option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB) of the French Baccalauréat or the baccalauréat français international (BFI);
  • GCE/GCSE/IGSCE/O-level English Language, English as a Second Language or First Language English with a grade of “C” or better.

If none of these criteria fits, a student whose first language is other than English must write a preadmission English test. Proof of proficiency in English must be provided by achieving the appropriate score on one of the following:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL);
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS);
  • Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL);
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) and Certificate in Advanced English (CAE);
  • Pearson English Proficiency Test;
  • Duolingo English Test.

For information on the minimum scores required please consult the Concordia website.
Test results must be reported directly to the Admissions Application Centre by the test centre. Results more than two years old will not be accepted as proof of language proficiency. In all cases, the University reserves the right to require a proficiency test if it is deemed necessary.

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