Section 19 International Students
International Students
In this section, International students will find relevant information on admission requirements, immigration regulations, tuition fees, scholarships and bursaries, the health insurance plan, as well as regulations on working in Canada. The International Students Office (ISO), Student and Enrolment Services, has developed support services to promote the adjustment of International students to life and study in Canada.
It is essential that International students submit their immigration documents by uploading them directly to the Student Hub at the following link:
If unable to upload, these documents can be submitted either to the International Students Office or the Birks Student Service Centre.
Immigration Documentation Required
International students who will be studying in a program for six months or more are required to provide a copy of their immigration documents (usually a CAQ and Study Permit) to the University via the Student Hub when they first register at Concordia and thereafter every time they renew their immigration documents. See the following link:
International students who will be studying for six months or less are required to submit copies of their passport pages showing the passport number, the dates of issuance and expiry, name and date of birth, and the stamp made by Canadian authorities on their most recent entry into Canada. Note that some students may still require a CAQ and/or Study Permit to be eligible for an international student fee exemption. See the following link:
These directives are in accordance with the funding regulations of the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) which requires that all International students registered at a university in Quebec have in their permanent file a copy of specific immigration documents proof of valid health insurance and, for persons studying six months or less, a copy of the appropriate passport pages. See the following link:
International students are required to provide the appropriate documentation by the first day of their first term at Concordia and thereafter every time they renew their immigration documents. See the following link:
Failure to comply with this regulation could result in the cancellation of the student’s registration.
Tuition and Other Fees for International Students
The University reserves the right to modify the published scale of tuition and other student fees without prior notice.
Please refer to the Tuition and Fees website at for information concerning the payment of tuition and fees.
Exemptions from Differential Fees
Certain International students may be eligible to pay the same fees as Quebec residents or Canadian citizens. Students who qualify for an exemption from the differential fees for International students, pay tuition and other fees at the same rate as the Canadian, Quebec resident student (including tuition and compulsory fees for 30 credits, and the International students health insurance fee).
Information can be found at:
International Student Health and Accident Insurance
Immigration Quebec services and the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) require that all International students be covered by a health insurance plan while studying and living in Quebec. To this end, Concordia University has negotiated a compulsory health and accident insurance plan for its International students.
Check the International Students Office website at for more information.
Health insurance fees are charged automatically when International students register for courses.
Coverage is from September 1 until August 31 of the following year. Students who register in January pay a pro-rated premium for the eight-month period from January 1 until August 31 of the same year.
Only certain categories of International students are permitted to opt out of the Concordia Health Insurance Plan for International Students. Please note that Concordia University does not accept any other health insurance plan that the student might be carrying or maintaining while in Canada. For complete details about the categories of students who may be exempted from the Concordia Health Insurance Plan for International Students, visit:
Proof of above‑mentioned insurance is required in order to process an exemption. It must be presented in English or French indicating the period and amount of coverage available in Canada. This information is required by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES) and must be in the Concordia student’s file for audits and reports. Applications for exemptions are processed in person at the International Students Office (ISO). See for more information. Applications must be processed at the beginning of every benefit year regardless of the expiration of the coverage. Students who do not apply for an exemption by the payment deadline will be charged for the Concordia Health Insurance Plan for International Students.
Adjustments or cancellations will be based on the date the ISO receives a copy of the above-mentioned supporting documentation. Insurance plans are based on a monthly rate from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. As such, and in order for the student to obtain the fullest refund, the request for adjustments or cancellations should be made prior to the first day of the month.
Retroactive adjustments will only be considered and provided where supporting documents can prove that health insurance coverage has been maintained continuously from the beginning of the required insurance period. Where the supporting documents do not indicate health insurance coverage, the monthly fee charged will not be refunded. If a student has filed an insurance claim, the student can only receive a retroactive refund for the period (months) following the claim. Refunds are provided in the form of credit to the student’s university account.
Working as a Component of Degree Requirements
International students who are enrolled in internships, practicums, experiential learning, or courses that require a work component in order to complete the course or degree requirements may require a Co-op Work Permit. For further information, refer to, or contact the International Students Office.