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Section 61.30 General Information


Students are cautioned that if they fail a course that is a prerequisite for a subsequent course, they should repeat and pass that failed course before registering in the subsequent course. For example, a student who fails COMM 217 in the fall term, and has registered in COMM 305 in the subsequent winter term, must drop COMM 305 and repeat COMM 217 in the winter term before registering in COMM 305 again.

Students who are not able to register in the failed course(s) should contact the undergraduate programs’ office during the course-change period at the beginning of each term.

Students who are registered for a course in which they do not have the appropriate prerequisite must adjust their registration accordingly. The Office of the Associate Dean reserves the right to deregister those students who do not adhere to academic regulations.

Note: There are no supplemental examinations in the John Molson School of Business.

Proficiency in Canada’s Official Languages

The business community and governments have a preference for university graduates who are functional in both the English and French languages. All students are therefore advised to take advantage of the opportunities available to them at this University to ensure that they have good command of these two languages upon graduation.

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