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Section 61.150 Special Certificate Programs


There are many organizations within the business community designed to serve the needs of people working in specialized areas of business. These organizations recognize that the educational qualifications of those seeking membership must be continually upgraded. Therefore, they sponsor an academic certificate which may be obtained through correspondence courses, or through a lecture program.

The John Molson School of Business co-operates with these business organizations by permitting personnel to register as Visiting students, and to take courses leading to a certificate to be awarded by the organization concerned.

Students must comply with the University regulations regarding dates of application and Visiting Business student entrance requirements as outlined in the following link:

In addition, they must meet the requirements of the specific organization. The credit courses taken may be applied towards the BComm degree, provided the student meets the admission requirements and wishes to transfer from Visiting Business status to undergraduate status after completing a certificate program. Students are advised that they must meet the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce (BComm) curriculum requirements in force at the date of transfer.

Each certificate program has one or more special courses required to complete the program. These courses do not carry credit towards an undergraduate degree and are designated as non-credit courses.

Students interested in the following certificate programs may obtain details of required courses from the organization concerned:

  • The American Marketing Association (Montreal Chapter)
  • Institute of Canadian Bankers
  • The Insurance Institute of Canada
  • The Trust Companies Institute of Canada
  • Professional Secretaries International (CPS)
  • Canadian Institute of Management
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