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Section 61.22.1 Academic Performance Regulations

Objectives of the Regulations

The objectives are:

a) to ensure that the John Molson School of Business can certify that all of its graduates are qualified to enter their profession;

b) to ensure that students can, with the assistance or intervention of the John Molson School of Business, assess themselves objectively, and plan programs of study designed to meet their individual needs.

Note: The GPA regulations apply to all students, including those with Visiting status, registered in programs offered by the John Molson School of Business. This also includes the Minor in Business Studies and certificate programs.

Assessment Grade Point Average (AGPA)

(See Section 16.3.10 Academic Performance for definition of AGPA).

Requirements and Consequences

Acceptable standing requires that a student obtain an AGPA of at least 2.00.

Note: Although a “C-” grade (1.70 grade points) is designated as satisfactory in Section 16.1.11 Grading System under Section 16.1 General Information, an AGPA of 2.00 is required for acceptable standing.

Students in acceptable standing must repeat all courses in which failing grades were obtained provided that these courses are required for their program.

Conditional standing results when a student obtains an AGPA between 1.50 and 2.00. Students in conditional standing may not write supplemental examinations but may proceed subject to the following conditions:

  • they must receive academic counselling from the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office;
  • they must successfully repeat all courses in which failing grades were obtained provided that these courses are required for their program, or replace them by alternatives approved by the Dean’s Office;
  • in no case will the number of credits exceed 15 per term for full-time students and six per term for part-time students;
  • they must obtain acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment. If not, they are considered to be in failed standing.

Failed standing results when a student obtains an AGPA of less than 1.50 or fails to achieve acceptable standing after being on conditional standing at the last assessment.

  • Failed students are subject to the following regulations: 1) they may not write supplemental examinations; 2) they are dismissed from their program for a minimum period of one year.
  • Students who are in failed standing for a second time are dismissed from the University for a longer period of time.
  • In subsequent years, should failed students wish to return to university studies, they must contact the Office of the Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, for information concerning conditions and procedures for seeking readmission.
  • Readmission is not automatic and is dependent upon an assessment of the applicant’s prospects for successful completion of the program. If readmitted, students will be placed on academic probation and may be restricted to a maximum of six credits per term. They must achieve acceptable standing at the time of their next assessment. Other conditions will be determined at the time of readmission.
  • Decisions of the relevant authority in the Faculty to which application is made are final.

Graduation Requirements

Students must satisfy all course requirements, be in acceptable standing, and have a minimum final graduation GPA of 2.00. The standings of potential graduates who have attempted less than 12 credits since their last assessment are determined after adding the grade points obtained for these credits to those included in the computation of the GPA of the last assessment period. Students who fail to meet acceptable standing but meet conditional standing will have the following options:

a) register for 12 credits and meet the criteria for acceptable standing;

b) register for fewer than 12 credits. In this case, standing will be determined after adding the grade points obtained for these credits to those included in the computation of the GPA of the last assessment period.

Note: Dean’s Office is to be understood as being the appropriate member of the Dean’s Office, normally the Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, or delegate.

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