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Section 61.21 Undergraduate Degree Programs

Undergraduate Degree Programs

The John Molson School of Business offers two distinct undergraduate programs. The Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce (BComm) is a structured program in which the student will select a major from those offered by the School of Business. The Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Administration (BAdmin) is a flexible program which permits the student to pursue interests outside the School of Business, and offers the possibility of complementing a fundamental grounding in Administration with minor concentrations in an area of interest. Degree requirements listed below apply to all students entering the program on or after September 1, 2023.

Section 61.21.1 General Education Requirement

The John Molson School of Business is committed to the concept of General Education. Students graduating from the Business programs will have acquired the benefits of a general education through the six elective non‑Business credits they are required to complete.

Section 61.21.2 The Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce

The program provides the student with an education for careers in business. This is accomplished through an interdisciplinary curriculum that is intellectually challenging. The first year of the program provides knowledge of fundamental business concepts and operational skills that form the base for the core curriculum. The second year of the program builds on this foundation to provide a broad experience in all phases of business. The interdisciplinary nature of the program allows students to analyze, formulate, judge, and solve challenging business problems. The last year of the program provides students with an opportunity for in-depth study of a specific business discipline. More specifically, by the end of their BComm studies, students will:

1. Apply evidence-based approach(es) to decision making

2. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing

3. Interact with others effectively, in accordance with principles of organizational behaviour

4. Make ethical and responsible decisions considering people, environment, society and legal obligations

5. Develop an entrepreneurial business idea

6. Explain the role of innovation and apply innovative methods in an organization

7. Analyze global factors and their impact on organizations

As part of the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce program, students will select six credits of elective courses outside the offerings of the School. Those credits, which will meet the School’s General Education requirement, should be chosen in areas that complement the students’ overall university education.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce (BComm) (90 credits)

48credits from the  JMSB Core ‌  
6elective credits chosen from outside the  John Molson School of Business ‌  

credits from the declared major (mandatory for all students), chosen from the following:

 Major in Accountancy;

 Major in Business Technology Management;

 Major in Economics;

 Major in Finance;

 Major in Human Resource Management;

 Major in International Business;

 Major in Management;

 Major in Marketing;

 Major in Supply Chain Operations Management.  

elective credits 


Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Commerce (BComm) Double Major (102 credits)

A double major requires completion of 102 credits as follows:

credits from the JMSB Core  

6elective credits chosen from outside the  John Molson School of Business  

credits chosen from two of the following majors, with 24 credits to apply towards the first major, and 24 credits to apply towards the second major:

 Major in Accountancy;

 Major in Business Technology Management;

 Major in Economics; 

 Major in Finance;

 Major in Human Resource Management‌;

 Major in International Business;

 Major in Management;

 Major in Marketing;

 Major in Supply Chain Operations Management.


Honours Programs

The John Molson School of Business has programs leading to an honours concentration in selected fields. The honours program consists of a minimum of 30 credits taken in a specified field, in addition to the core program of 48 credits. Refer to Section 16.2.4 Concentration Requirements for matters governing honours programs at Concordia. An honours degree, because it testifies to a student’s comprehensive education in a particular field, intellectual commitment to that field, and achievement of a high level of academic performance, has traditionally been required of entrants to postgraduate programs.

To enter an honours program, students already admitted to a program in the John Molson School of Business must apply to the department that offers the program. The department will notify the Office of the Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, of the acceptance.

Honours Regulations (Faculty Regulations)

In order to qualify for an honours program, a student must comply with the regulations set forth below.

  1. An honours student must meet the general program requirements, as well as the specific requirements for an honours program. Departments may impose additional requirements. A student must complete a minimum of 15 credits in the courses from the honours component of the program at this University to receive a degree with honours. In certain cases, these 15 credits may include specific courses for which transfer credit may not be awarded.
  2. Students already admitted to a program at Concordia University may apply for entry into an honours program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.30 (B+). Students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits in their program before applying for admission to the honours program. Averages are calculated on Concordia courses only.
  3. All students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.30 as well as a minimum assessment GPA of 3.30 within the honours program. The minimum acceptable grade in any course is normally “C.”
  4. Students who are withdrawn from the honours program may proceed in the corresponding major program. Reinstatement in the honours program is possible only by appeal to the Faculty Honours Committee.
  5. A student is allowed to qualify for only one honours degree in either a single or combined honours program. A student may qualify for a minor or major program in addition to an honours program.

Students may appeal the determination of their status or interpretation of requirements in the honours program. Such appeals should be addressed to the Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs. The John Molson School of Business has an Honours Committee made up as follows: three faculty members; one undergraduate student member; one Student Academic Services advisor (nonvoting); one representative of the Office of the Registrar (nonvoting); and the Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs, who chairs the Honours Committee. The Faculty Honours Committee considers applications from departments submitted on behalf of the students for exceptions to the honours regulations. It also adjudicates disputes between students and departments concerning honours programs. Since the Faculty Honours Committee cannot hear appeals contesting its own judgments, students and departments who wish to appeal a decision of the Faculty Honours Committee should address this appeal to the Dean of the Faculty.

Section 61.21.3 The Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Administration

Program Objectives

Note: Admission to the BAdmin program is suspended.

The aim of the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Administration (BAdmin) program is to develop capable problem‑solvers and decision‑makers. The program provides students with a fundamental grounding in administration through the same set of core courses available to BComm students. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to pursue a wide range of interests amongst the various courses offered by the University. BAdmin students are expected to achieve the same learning goals as BComm students by the end of their BAdmin studies.

Degree Requirements

Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Administration (BAdmin) (90 credits)

42credits from the JMSB Core
18credits from within the John Molson School of Business and/or its disciplines
30elective credits chosen by the student, but outside the John Molson School of Business, 15 of these must be beyond the introductory level.


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