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Section 71.110 Complementary Studies for Engineering and Computer Science Students

General Education Humanities and Social Sciences Electives

To fulfill the requirements of the General Education Elective or General Electives, students may choose courses from the departmental course lists below (except courses listed in the Humanities and Social Sciences Electives Exclusion List) or from the Other Courses list.

Inclusion of a departmental course list below does not guarantee that a student can register for a course within the departmental course list. Registration is subject to course prerequisites, restrictions, and regulations that have been established by the offering department.

Faculty of Arts and Science

Anthropology Courses (ANTH)
First Peoples Studies Courses (FPST Courses)
History Courses (HIST)
Philosophy Courses (PHIL)
Religions and Cultures Courses (RELI)
Sociology Courses (SOCI)
Theological Studies Courses (THEO)
Women’s Studies Courses (WSDB) 

Faculty of Fine Arts
Art Education Courses (ARTE)
Art History Courses (ARTH)
Jazz History Courses (JHIS)
Music History Courses (MHIS)      

Other Courses

COMS 360 Mass Media (3.00)
EDUC 230 Introduction to Philosophy of Education (3.00)
ENCS 483 Creativity, Innovation and Critical Thinking in Science and Technology (3.00)
ENGL 224 The Creative Process (3.00)
ENGL 233 Methods of Literary Analysis (3.00)
GEOG 220 Place, Space, and Identity (3.00)
INST 250 Introductory Information Literacy Skills (3.00)
LING 222 Language and Mind: The Chomskyan Program (3.00)
LING 300 Sociolinguistics (3.00)
URBS 230 Urbanization: Global and Historical Perspectives (3.00)

Humanities and Social Sciences Electives Exclusion List

The following courses may not be taken to fulfill the Humanities and Social Sciences Electives requirement:

ANTH 315 Field Research (6.00)
PHIL 214 Deductive Logic (3.00)
PHIL 316 Intermediate Logic (3.00)
PHIL 317 Inductive and Abductive Logic (3.00)
SOCI 212 Statistics I (3.00)
SOCI 213 Statistics II (3.00)
SOCI 310 Research Methods (3.00)


  • In some instances, students may have to complete specific prerequisites before taking any of the above courses. Those prerequisite courses are not counted towards their program unless they are specifically listed on the student’s offer of admission or listed as courses required for the completion of their programs. The relevant prerequisites in each case are stated in the departmental course descriptions.
  • Prior to registering, students who do not have any specified prerequisites for a course must obtain permission of the relevant Department.
  • An ESL course or an introductory course that deals with the acquisition of a language will not be considered as a General Education elective or a General Elective.

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