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Section 71.75.1 Curriculum for the Degree of BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences

Computer Science in Health and Life Sciences Program

The BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences prepares students to explore and decipher the complexity and interdependency within biological systems; provides students with an understanding of techniques from computer science, mathematics, statistics and modelling; and develops students’ skills in efficiently generating information and knowledge by optimal use of data analytics, while maintaining a rigorous training in empirical and experimental approaches.

Section 71.75.2 Degree Requirements

The BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences constitutes a 90‑credit program that consists of courses in the following groups: Computer Science Core, Health and Life Sciences Complementary Core, Health and Life Sciences Core, Health and Life Sciences Electives, Mathematics Electives: BCompSc and General Electives: BCompSc.

BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences (90 credits)

Health and Life Sciences Core (24 credits)

BIOL 261 Molecular and General Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 266 Cell Biology (3.00)
BIOL 367 Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 479 Computational Biology (3.00)
BIOL 481 Genome Structure (3.00)
CHEM 212 Analytical Chemistry for Biology and Environmental and Sustainability Science (3.00)
CHEM 221 Introductory Organic Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 271 Biochemistry I (3.00)

Health and Life Sciences Complementary Core (6 credits)

ENCS 282 Technical Writing and Communication (3.00)
ENCS 333 Research Methods, Ethics, Law and Regulation for Computational Biology (3.00)

Health and Life Sciences Electives (12 credits)


credits chosen from:

BIOL 226 Biodiversity and Ecology (3.00)
BIOL 364 Cell Physiology (3.00)
BIOL 368 Genetics and Cell Biology Laboratory (3.00)
BIOL 422 Advanced Statistics for Biological Sciences (3.00)
BIOL 461 Advanced Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 466 Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 475 Biological Computing and Synthetic Biology (3.00)
BIOL 480 Bioinformatics (3.00)
BIOL 482 Functional Genomics (3.00)
BIOL 484 Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology (3.00)
BIOL 485 Agriculture and Agri‑Food Biotechnology (3.00)
BIOL 486 High‑throughput Instrumentation (3.00)
COEN 432 Applied Machine Learning and Evolutionary Algorithms (3.00)
COEN 433 Biological Computing and Synthetic Biology (3.00)
COEN 434 Microfluidic Devices for Synthetic Biology (3.00)
COMP 339 Combinatorics (3.00)
COMP 353 Databases (4.00)
COMP 361 Elementary Numerical Methods (3.00)
COMP 465 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3.00)
COMP 472 Artificial Intelligence (4.00)
COMP 478 Image Processing (4.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)
COMP 493 Computational Biology Team Project (6.00)
ENGR 213 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations (3.00)
ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1.00)
SOEN 287 Web Programming (3.00)
SOEN 387 Web‑Based Enterprise Application Design (3.00)

Note: Electives may also be taken from amongst 300‑level and 400‑level courses in BIOL, COEN, COMP, SOEN with permission of the Department.

Note: Students missing one credit of the 90 credits to graduate may take ENGR 411 Special Technical Report (1 credit).

Section 71.75.3 Extended Credit Program

Extended Credit Program: Health and Life Sciences (120 credits)

Students admitted to an Extended Credit Program (ECP) under the provisions of Section 13.3 Admission Requirements or Section 13.8 Selection Process and Notification must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits including:

90credits of program requirements as set out in Section 71.75.2 Degree Requirements


MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 204 Vectors and Matrices (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)



PHYS 204 Mechanics (3.00)
PHYS 205 Electricity and Magnetism (3.00)
PHYS 206 Waves and Modern Physics (3.00)
PHYS 224 Introductory Experimental Mechanics (1.00)
PHYS 225 Introductory Experimental Electricity (1.00)
PHYS 226 Introductory Experimental Waves and Modern Physics (1.00)



CHEM 205 General Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 206 General Chemistry II (3.00)



BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3.00)

Section 71.75.4 Honours Program


Students should refer to Section 16.2 Curriculum Regulations of the Calendar for academic regulations for the honours program. The following regulations are additional requirements for the Honours BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences.

  1. Applications to enter an honours program must be submitted to the Office of the Associate Dean (Student Academic Services) at least three months before the start of the term in which the student wishes to enter an honours program.
  2. Students must complete at least 30 credits towards their degree before entering an honours program.
  3. Students must have a GPA of at least 3.30.
  4. Students who are required to withdraw from an honours program may continue in the regular program provided they are in acceptable or conditional standing according to the academic regulations in Section 71.10.3 Academic Regulations.

Course Requirements for Honours Programs

Honours students must fulfill the requirements of the program. In addition, to receive an honours degree, students must:

  1. have a final graduation GPA of at least 3.30;
  2. successfully complete the course BIOL 368 and one of the Computer Science (COMP) courses listed below as part of their Health and Life Sciences Electives;
  3. successfully complete one course from those listed under Project Courses: BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences below as part of their General Electives.

Computer Science Courses: BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences

COMP 339 Combinatorics (3.00)
COMP 353 Databases (4.00)
COMP 465 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3.00)
COMP 479 Information Retrieval and Web Search (4.00)

Project Courses: BCompSc in Health and Life Sciences

BIOL 490 Independent Study (6.00)
COMP 490 Computer Science Project I (3.00)
COMP 492 Computer Science Project II (3.00)
COMP 493 Computational Biology Team Project (6.00)

Section 71.75.5 The Co‑operative and C.Edge (Career Edge) Options

The Co‑operative and C.Edge Options

For a full description of the Co‑operative and C.Edge Options, please refer to Section 24 Institute for Co‑operative Education and Section 71.70.7 C.Edge (Career Edge) Option and Reflective Learning Courses of this Calendar.

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