Section 71.70.7 C.Edge (Career Edge) Option and Reflective Learning Courses
C.Edge Option
The C.Edge Option is administered through the Institute for Co-operative Education (see Section 24 Institute for Co‑operative Education).
Students employed full‑time in a computer science position during their non‑study terms may have this C.Edge option listed on their official transcript and student record, provided they successfully complete the Reflective Learning course associated with this work term.
C.Edge work terms will be coded as COMP 107 and 207, and the associated Reflective Learning courses will be coded as COMP 108 and COMP 208 respectively.
Students may only register for these courses with the permission of the Faculty.
The C.Edge terms COMP 107 and 207 carry no credit value and are used to indicate that the student is on a C.Edge term.
The COMP 108 and COMP 208 C.Edge Reflective Learning courses are worth three credits and are marked on a pass/fail basis. They are above and beyond the credit requirements of the student’s program and are not transferable nor are they included in the full or part‑time assessment status.
Students studying for a co‑op work term or CIADI term should not register for these C.Edge and Reflective Learning courses.