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Section 71.70.3 Extended Credit Program


Students admitted to an Extended Credit Program (ECP) under the provisions of Section 13.3 Admission Requirements or Section 13.8 Selection Process and Notification must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits including the requirements below.

Degree Requirements

Extended Credit Program (120 credits)

90credits of program requirements as set out in Section 71.70.2 Degree Requirements (BCompSc) 



MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3.00)
MATH 204 Vectors and Matrices (3.00)
MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3.00)


credits chosen from  General Education Humanities and Social Sciences Electives as noted in Section 71.110 Complementary Studies for Engineering and Computer Science Students.

Note: English as a Second Language (ESL) Courses and courses that focus on the acquisition of a language may not be used to meet this requirement.


ECP elective credits chosen from any courses listed in the Concordia Undergraduate Calendar. Please refer to the specific ECP requirements listed below, based on the student’s program of study:

a) ECP Electives: BCompSc (other than Joint Majors)

b) ECP Electives: Joint Major in Computation Arts and Computer Science

c) ECP Electives: Joint Major in Data Science

ECP Electives: BCompSc (other than Joint Majors) (15 credits)


elective credits chosen from outside the Gina Cody School of Engineering, and the ECP Electives Exclusion List below.

Note: Please see the Bachelor of/Baccalaureate in Computer Science (BCompSc) for program details.

ECP Electives: Joint Major in Computation Arts and Computer Science (15 credits)


elective credits chosen from outside the Gina Cody School of Engineering, the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, the Department of Design and Computation Arts, and the ECP Electives Exclusion List below.

Note: Please see the Joint Major in Computation Arts and Computer Science for program details.

ECP Electives: Joint Major in Data Science (15 credits)


elective credits chosen from outside the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and the ECP Electives Exclusion List below.

Note: Please see the Joint Major in Data Science for program details.

ECP Electives Exclusion List

The following courses may not be taken for credit to fulfill the ECP Electives requirement for the BCompSc:

BIOL 200 Fundamentals of Human Biology (3.00)
BTM 200 Fundamentals of Information Technology (3.00)
BTM 380 Introduction to Business Application Development (3.00)
BTM 382 Database Management (3.00)
COMP 218 Fundamentals of Programming (3.00)
ENGL 206 Fundamentals of Written English – Stage I (3.00)
ENGL 207 Fundamentals of Written English – Stage II (3.00)
ENGL 208 Introduction to English Composition and Literary Analysis (3.00)
EXCI 202 The Body Human: Form and Function (3.00)
EXCI 204 Food for Sport (3.00)
EXCI 206 The Science of Sport (3.00)
EXCI 218 Physical Growth and Maturation (3.00)
FINA 200 Personal Finance (3.00)
GEOG 264 Programming for Environmental Sciences (3.00)
MATH 208 Fundamental Mathematics I (3.00)
MATH 209 Fundamental Mathematics II (3.00)
PHYS 235 Object‑Oriented Programming and Applications (3.00)
PHYS 236 Numerical Methods in Physics with Python (3.00)

Note: INTE courses may only be taken with permission
Note: ESL courses may not be taken for credit to fulfill the ECP Electives requirement for the BCompSc
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