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Library Sources in Arabic

This guide lists a selection of the more important sources of information on Arabic available at Concordia Library. It includes material held in the Webster Library (WEB) on the Sir George Williams Downtown Campus, the Vanier Library (VAN) on the Loyola Campus and/or available online. Most materials are located in the Reference area (REF). This is not a complete list. Additional resources may be found by searching Sofia, the library catalogue.


Language Dictionaries And Encyclopedias




  • Index Islamicus: Covers all aspects of Muslim life including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages and literatures.
  • MLA International Bibliography: Includes references from more than 4,400 journals in the fields of literature, language, linguistics and folklore from 1926 to the present from all over the world.
  • JSTOR: Contains 50 journal titles under Middle East Studies and 257 titles under Language & Literature.
  • Historical Abstracts: Provides citations to articles, books and dissertations on world political, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history

Web Sites

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