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Library Sources in German

This guide lists a selection of the more important sources of information on German available at Concordia Library. It includes material held in the Webster Library (WEB) on the Sir George Williams Downtown Campus, the Vanier Library (VAN) on the Loyola Campus and/or available online. Most materials are located in the Reference area (REF). This is not a complete list. Additional resources may be found by searching Sofia, the library catalogue.





Bibliographies: Author


Web Sites

  • German Studies Web
    Offers access to scholarly resources in such areas as: libraries, reference sources, newspapers, publishers, literature, the performing arts, etc.All German-speaking countries are included.
  • Internet Resources for Germanists
    Coverage includes German literature and linguistics, and Germanic philology. Provides links to: a conference calender, job openings, scholarly journals, organizations and institutes, German departments around the world, etc. Includes a good collection of links to information on specific authors.
  • Goethe Institut, Montreal
    A non-profit organization, the Goethe Institut has 127 branches in 76 countries. Its objective is to promote the German language and to foster international cultural cooperation.
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