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Library Sources in Spanish

This guide lists a selection of the more important sources of information on Italian available at Concordia Library. It includes material held in the Webster Library (WEB) on the Sir George Williams Downtown Campus, the Vanier Library (VAN) on the Loyola Campus and/or available online. Most materials are located in the Reference area (REF). This is not a complete list. Additional resources may be found by searching Sofia, the library catalogue.



Companions and Guides




Web Sites

  • Antologia del Ensayo Ibero e Iberoamericano
    Offers a large collection of Spanish essays from the 14th to the 20th centuries.
  • Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
    "Con la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra aspiramos a llevar acabo el proyecto más ambicioso de digitalización documental de obra clásica a través de la aplicación de nuevos métodos de edición electrónica para grandes masas de nformación documental. Esta iniciativa proyecta, en una primera fase, la digitalización de 30.000 obras, en su mayor parte en castellano, proporcionando el acceso gratuito a una comunidad internacional del patrimonio cientifico y literario de una población hispanohablante cercana a los 500 millones de habitantes."
  • Biblioteca Virtual Luis Ángel Arango
    This library in Bogota, Colombia has an extensive assortment of documents relating to Colombian (and South American) culture and literature—especially from the 19th century. There are also links to exhibits, magazines, and newspaper reports.
  • Diccionario de la Real Academia Española en línea/online
    The Royal Spanish Academy's official dictionary of the Spanish language.
  • Hispanophone Studies Journals
    "This page contains 180 links to web sites of scholarly, academic and artistic journals, mostly in Spanish, which cover some aspect of language, culture or literature in Spain or the Spanish-speaking world. All the sites provide tables of contents for current and some back issues, article abstracts or full text..."
  • LANIC: Latin American Studies Institutions
    "A directory of links to nearly 100 associations, organizations, and institutes in the field of Latin American Studies in the United States and around the world."
  • LANIC: Latin America Studies Journals
    "Links to over 25 Latin American Studies journals, many of which include the full text of current and archived issues. Some sites include details on how to submit manuscripts for publication, as well as subscription information."
  • LANIC: News
    Provides links to Spanish-language newspapers in Latin America and the U.S.A.
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