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Get Involved

Students are advocating for OER across Canada through textbook broke campaigns, respectfully speaking with or writing to their teachers, championing teachers who are going the extra mile with open educational resources.

OER Work-Study Students at Concordia  

OER Work-Study Students gain practical and professional experience while working within a team aimed at serving the wider student body. Keep an eye out for OER related work-study student job posting as part of the Work-study program and learn more about our OER Team at Concordia University Library.

Faculty-Student Collaboration Opportunities

Open textbook grants not only provide faculty with funding but also create valuable opportunities for students. Using these grants Faculty members can hire students to assist with various aspects of open textbook projects—such as conducting research and working within Pressbooks—these grants have a direct impact on student learning and professional development. You will notice student assistants listed in our projects. If you are interested in getting involved, learn how to approach your instructors and familiarize yourselves with Concordia's OER program.

Concordia Students Nominate a Course

You can help our OER community grow and thrive by nominating a course that you believe would benefit from an OER. Simply fill out the "Concordia Students Nominate a Course" form to submit your suggestion and contribute to expanding the availability of valuable educational resources for everyone. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of open education!

Student Advocacy Resources for Promoting OER on Campus

Student OER Involvement in Canada

Students involved at: Student Actions:
University of British Columbia Open Letter
University of British Columbia Textbook Broke Call to Action
University of Victoria
Textbook Broke Call to Action
University of Victoria OER Advocacy Letter
University of Guelph Student Textbook Survey Report
McGill University McGill News
McGill University OER Report
Ontario Undergraduate Alliance Textbook Broke Call to Action

Professors across the main faculties at Concordia University are getting involved in Open Education

Discover professorial colleagues leading the way to open education at Concordia University by working on open-textbooks or by using their projects in Concordia courses.

Department-wide open educational project made possible

Paving the way to what a department-wide open education collaboration is the Department of Journalism at Concordia University. Project leads, Andrea Hunter and Cristina Sanza discuss JOUR 443: The Digital Magazine Open Textbook as part of the Behind-the-Scenes Event  in March 2024.

 Already using an open educational resource for your course?

If you're a professor already using an open textbook, you're leading the way in making education more accessible and affordable. Contact us to share details about the open textbook you're using, and we'll add your course and textbook to our OER library. Connect with us today to become part of the growing OER community.

Ways to get involved

  • Reach out to colleagues working on an OER projects.
  • Ask your students about how textbooks impact them.
  • Know that small steps towards the accessibility of education make a difference over time.
  • Make an appointment with your subject librarian and or Scholarly Publishing Librarian. Bring your questions and syllabi. We can help you find and explore OER resources.

Librarians at Concordia University are geting involved by:

  • Leading Concordia University's OER Program
  • Keeping up to-date with OER knowledge.
  • Consulting with professorial colleagues and students in their subject areas, including those already involved in OER and the curious amongst us.
  • Considering whether their instructional materials could become OER.
  • Transforming their insturctional materials into OER.
  • Communicating the value of OER amongst colleagues. 

Concordia's Centre for Teaching and Learning Participates in Open Education

Paving the way to making best practices in teaching and learning openly available, Ariel Harlap from the Concordia's CTL presents several open guide projects in Behind-the-Scenes Event  in March 2024.


Explore the open guidebooks by Concordia's CTL in our Pressbooks catalogue.

OER Concordia University Library Guide was developed and redesigned by Rachel Harris. Source. CC BY 4.0. Except where otherwise noted content on this guide is licenced under a Creative Commons 4.0. International licence. Icons by The Noun Project. Special thanks to Chloe Lei for the previous pilot version of the OER pages and Pamela Carson for web-design consultations.

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