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Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL) approved funding

What you need to know

  • Submit your funding claim electronically to to receive payment. See instruction below.
  • Allow 6 weeks for payments or reimbursements (notify vendors or individuals claiming reimbursement/receiving payment of these delays)
  • Save 15% on your printing at the Concordia Print Store for your project! To receive this exclusive discount, show your approval email at the counter or email it to Please note that a quote will be sent to CCSL for approval before printing begins.
  • Register your project for the Co-Curricular Record (CCR) as per guidelines to claim funding. 

  • Email to invite CCSL members or promote your project.

  • Submit a 1-2 page summary report when up you have completed the project (or no later than May 31) detailing how the funding was used, the impact on student life, and a financial statement. Include a copy of the publication or journal if applicable.


New requirement for Special Projects

Claiming instructions

Claims for funding must be submitted electronically to

Reimbursements/payments may take up to six (6) weeks to be processed. Please advise claimants and/or vendors of any delay.

For individuals (non-employees) claiming reimbursement for expenses paid out of pocket (students, guest speakers, project organizers, etc.):

1) Download the Non-employee expense form. 

2) Each individual claiming reimbursement must submit their own expense report. Please refer to the expense report sample. All fields highlighted in yellow must be completed.  

3) Completing the Non-Employee Expense Report Form:  

  • The full name, email address and current mailing address of the person who paid for the expenses (i.e. the Claimant) must be included on the expense report. 

  • Method of Payment: leave this as Direct Deposit, unless it is for reimbursement in US funds, in which case you will select “Wire Transfer”. With Direct Deposit, you will be contacted by to provide your banking information directly to Financial Services through a secure online system.  

  • Concordia Faculty or Department: Student Services

  • Business Purpose: CCSL Special Project #X

  • Affiliation to Research Grant: select the appropriate from the drop-down menu (student, visitor or other).

  • Travel Dates & Conference Dates: if the reimbursement is not travel related, please indicate n/a in all applicable fields. 

  • Fill in the details in the bottom table under “To be Completed by Claimant”. 

  • A scan or high-quality photo of the ORIGINAL, itemized receipt(s) or paid invoice(s) with proof of payment are required (a vendor receipt or bank/credit card statement as proof of payment showing the Claimant’s name and the expense). 

  • Under the “Details / Comments / Special Instructions / Other” section, it is important to include your project name and number. 

  • Email the completed expense report (in excel format) and associated copies/scans of the original, itemized receipts as attachments to Please be sure to include the project name and/or number in the subject line.  

4) Mileage claims: a printout from Google maps is required showing the start and end point and total number of kilometers covered for the trip. A reason for the trip must also be provided. 

5) For expenses charged in foreign currencies: A printout is required from a foreign exchange website such as or Bank of Canada, or a credit/debit card statement showing the foreign exchange rate that was charged when the payment was made. 

6) Third party reimbursements are not accepted by the university. For example, if a guest speaker has paid for their travel expenses and then an individual from the group reimburses the guest speaker, that individual cannot claim these expenses for reimbursement. The guest speaker must be reimbursed directly by the university for the expenses they paid out of pocket. 

7) Payment of an honorarium, speaker fees or for services rendered by an individual must be paid directly by the university to the individual providing the service. Please see section below: “Payment of an honorarium, speaker fee or for services rendered by an individual.” 

If the individual who paid for the expense(s) is also a Concordia employee, they MUST submit their claim through SAP Concur (Unity – the university’s online financial system). They cannot claim reimbursement using the Non-Employee Expense Form. Each individual who paid out of pocket for expenses to be reimbursed from CCSL must submit their own expense report through SAP Concur.

For details on how to submit an expense report as a Concordia employee through SAP Concur, please refer to the Manage My Expense Reports (User Manual).

Please contact to request the budget information to submit the expense claim as an employee.

  1.  If a student group paid for expenses using an internal or external account, they do not need to fill in an expense report. You must submit a scan or photo of high quality of the original, itemized receipt(s) and supporting documentation to show that the group has paid for this expense, as well as a bank or credit card statement, or copy of the SAP Report if paid by an internal university account. The full name and complete mailing address of the group must be clearly indicated on the documentation. Please send the claim to with the project name and/or number included in the subject line of the email.
  2. Indicate the full name and contact information of the person who should be contacted by Financial Services for the external bank account information for reimbursement by direct deposit. Or you may provide the student group’s Internal Order (internal budget code) that the university can credit, if they have one.
  3. If safety training is required for any equipment and/or regulated goods, you must include proof of training certification with your application or with your claim when approved for funding. Please see the EHS Guideline for Training Requirements.
  4. Mileage claims: a printout from Google maps is required showing the start and end point and the total number of kilometers covered for the trip. A reason for the trip must also be provided.
  5.  For expenses charged in foreign currencies: A printout is required from a foreign exchange website such as or Bank of Canada, or a credit/debit card statement showing the foreign exchange rate that was charged when the payment was made.
  6. Third-party reimbursements are not accepted by the university. For example, if a guest speaker has paid for their travel expenses and then the student group reimburses the guest speaker, the student group cannot claim these expenses for reimbursement. The guest speaker must be reimbursed directly from the university for the expenses they paid out of pocket.
  7. Payment of an honorarium, speaker fees or for services rendered by an individual must be paid directly by the university to the individual providing the service. Please see section below: “Payment of an honorarium, speaker fee or for services rendered by an individual."

  1. We can pay an invoice (unpaid expense) directly to the vendor on your behalf. To do so, the invoice must be made out to Concordia University. Please email the original invoice(s) to and note in the email that you are requesting that the CCSL pay the vendor directly on your behalf. Include the project name and/or number in the subject line of the email.

  2. The total amount of the invoice must be equal to or less than the total amount approved for the project. The university cannot pay part of an invoice.

  3. Please ask the vendor if the invoice can be paid by credit card over the phone or online: this will ensure that they are paid as soon as possible. If so, please indicate this and provide a contact name and number. 

  4. If the vendor will only accept payment by direct deposit, it can take several weeks for the university to issue payment. It is the project applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the vendor is aware of this delay. The vendor will be contacted directly by Financial Services to get their banking information. 

  5. Payments can only be issued for vendor invoices that include all tax information, a mailing address and a unique invoice number. Payments cannot be issued on account statements (ex. État de Compte), quotes or on pro-forma invoices or shipping documents.

  6. Invoices must be from registered companies or from registered charities or not for profit organizations, with GST/QST tax #s/NEQ# provided.

  1. The university must pay an honorarium or guest speaker fee directly to the individual providing the service. The project organizer or group cannot pay this expense and then ask to be reimbursed. This is for tax purposes. The university will not reimburse these expenses to you or your group.

  2. The university will not pay the honorarium/guest speaker/service fee before the service has been provided.

  3. The individual to be paid must provide an invoice detailing their service(s) and they must include their full name, current mailing address and Social Insurance Number (SIN). To protect private information, please provide a phone number that the individual may be contacted at to retrieve their SIN. The invoice must be made out to Concordia University. Send the invoice by email to and note in the email that you are requesting that the CCSL pay the individual directly on your behalf. Include the project name and/or number in the subject line of the email.

  4. Please have the individual provide a void/specimen cheque with their banking information so that they can be paid by direct deposit. 

  5. Any supporting documentation, such as a conference program or email correspondence between the project organizer and the individual to be paid detailing the agreement or event should be included.

  6. If the individual has been paid by the university within the last 6 months, their payment is considered a stipend, therefore they will be taxed on the income and a T4 will be issued to them by the university. Benefits will also have to be paid and considered when calculating the total amount of the funding claimed.

  7. If the individual is not a Canadian resident, then there is a non-resident tax that must be paid if they are providing their services in Canada. An additional tax of 24% will be charged (15% federal + 9% provincial). You can either have the individual pay the tax, which will lower the total honorarium received, or the tax can be paid as part of the approved amount of funding. Either way, the total amount paid out, including the non-resident tax, must not exceed the total amount of approved funding from the CCSL. The invoice must specify how the non-resident tax is to be paid. If they provide their services virtually, this tax is not applicable so please make a note of this on the invoice.

  8. Non-resident tax waiver forms can be filled out in order to avoid having to pay this tax, however this may significantly delay the payment of the honorarium/speaker fee.  The forms available on the Government of Canada website: form 105 for non-residents and form T1261. The forms should be completed at least 2 months prior to the individual entering the country as to allow for sufficient processing time by the government (6-8 weeks) and to ensure prompt payment of the honorarium after the event. If the payment is for over $1,000.00, a form for Revenu Québec must also be filled out. Please contact to get this form.

  9. Payment to guest speakers can be made in foreign currencies (e.g., $US, €, £, ¥ etc.). Be sure to indicate if the honorarium/speaker fee is to be paid in a currency other than Canadian dollars.

  10. If the individual to be paid is a non-resident, but has a work permit, they are not subject to the non-resident tax. The government has given this person the right to work in Canada without paying this tax. They must submit a photocopy of the work permit and provide their temporary SIN on their invoice.

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