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About the
Quebec permanent code

Everyone needs a permanent code (code permanent) if they study in Quebec. There are no exceptions. If you do not have a permanent code, you will pay a surcharge on top of your tuition fees.

Permanent code surcharge

Concordia adds a surcharge to your fees if you do not provide us with required permanent code information. This surcharge covers the funding withheld by the Quebec government when Concordia does not provide them with a student's permanent code.

This surcharge is also applied if you provide us with a permanent code that is:

  • Invalid or fictitious
  • Cannot be processed (e.g. a permanent code from a francophone university)

You will be billed at the time of registration if we do not have your permanent code. When you provide the information, the surcharge will be removed subject to the following deadlines:

  • Summer Admission: August 15
  • Fall Admission:  December 15
  • Winter Admission: April 15

If you submit information after that date, the billing will remain and interest charges will accrue.

Existing permanent codes

12 character code that consists of the first 3 letters of the family name, the first letter of the given name, the date of birth (day, month [the female gender is identified by adding 50], year) and 2 validation numbers as determined by the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur (MES). The number 62 is added to the day of birth of all students born after 1999.

You will have already been assigned a permanent code if you attended:

  • High School or CEGEP in Quebec or if
  • You have received Quebec Financial Aid

To find it, look at your school records. Check for it in the: 

  • Upper right hand corner of your CEGEP transcript
  • Upper left-hand corner of your High School Transcript 
  • Upper right-hand corner of the Financial Aid Notice and Detailed Calculation Form.

If you attended a francophone university in Quebec, you may have been assigned a university permanent code. That code is valid only for that university. Concordia cannot use that permanent code.

You must register for a new code. 

New permanent codes

Visit your Student Centre to fill out the Code Permanent Data FormUnder the "Personal Information" section, select "Code Permanent Data Form." You can also access your Student Centre by logging in to the Student Hub and going to My CU Account.

You will need to submit a legible photocopy of the required official documents as indicated in the chart below:

Citizenship status Place of Birth Required document
Canadian citizen Canada Birth Certificate
Outside Canada Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
Permanent resident Outside Canada IMM5292 (permanent resident document) or both sides of the Permanent Resident of Canada card
International student Outside Canada Study period of 6 months or less: passport
Study period of more than 6 months: Student authorization (study permit)
View an example of a study permit.
Refugee Outside Canada Document from Immigration Canada
Diplomatic status, special permit from Immigration Canada Outside Canada Document from Immigration Canada
Other Please email

Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students please include your Concordia Student I.D. number.

Upload them to:

You can use the 'Upload document' option in your Student Center to provide the required document(s).

Upload document

NOTE: If you are having any issues uploading the document you can e-mail us at with your questions.

Mail them to:

Concordia University
Office of the Registrar - FB 900
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West
Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8

Deliver them to:

Birks Student Service Centre
J.W. McConnell Building, Room LB 185
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West
H3G 1M6

Tel: 514-848-2424, ext. 2668
Fax: 514-848-2616

  • Please refer to your Student Centre for information on your Permanent Code status
  • This process can take several weeks 
  • We remove the permanent code surcharge from your account as soon as you submit the Code Permanent Data Form and required documents

Contact us & next steps

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