Vol. XXXIV:2
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Guest Editorial-Éditorial invité
- Women and the Artistic Field
Cultural Production in the Canadian Context
- “And thereon lies a tale”
Canadian Women Missionary Artists in China - Crafting Empire
Intersections of Irish and Canadian Women’s History - Lady Caroline Bucknall-Estcourt
Identity as Performance in a Victorian Album - “Kodaking and Being Kodaked”
The Guisachan Album of Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen - A Canadian Artist in King Arthur’s Court
Elizabeth Armstrong Forbes and the Colonial Invention of British Tradition - La chambre nuptiale de Francine Larivée
une œuvre issue du modèle de la démocratie culturelle ou quand l’art féministe néo-avant-gardiste s’intègre à l’establishment - Ordinary Affects
Folk Art, Maud Lewis, and the Social Aesthetics of the Everyday - Gendering the Artistic Field
- Julia Crawford and the Rules of the Game
Vol. XXXIV:1
download — 204 pages, 2.9 MB
télécharger — 204 pages, 2.9 Mo
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Pour acheter une copie de ce volume s'il vous plaît contactez nous.
$35.00 CA
$40.00 US
- The 1913 Spring Exhibition of the Art Association of Montreal
Anatomy of a Public Debate - “Adult Viewing Only”
Dorothy Cameron’s 1965 Trial for Exhibiting Obscene Pictures - Bordering the Vernacular
J. Russell Harper and the Pursuit of a “People’s Art”
- Un tabernacle inédit de Jacques Leblond de Latour
- Big Art History
Art History as Social Knowledge - A New Pavilion for Quebec and Canadian Art at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Reviews-Comptes rendus
- L’Art vivant. Autour de Paul-Émile Borduas
Jean-Philippe Warren - David Askevold: Once Upon a Time in the East
David Diviney (ed.) - Atomic Postcards: Radioactive Messages from the Cold War
John O’Brian and Jeremy Borsos