Kathryn Chaffee, PhD
FRQSC Postdoctoral fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal

- Email: kathryn.chaffee@ualberta.ca
Kathryn Everhart Chaffee is a postdoctoral researcher in Isabelle Plante’s GREAP laboratory at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She has been working with the systematic review team at Concordia’s CSLP to classify research articles about educational interventions in mathematics, part of the systematic review team’s investigation into what types of interventions best improve young children’s math performance. Katy’s research interests center on education in both mathematical and language domains. She completed her Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Alberta studying men’s motivation for learning foreign languages, research which was covered in media outlets including Pacific Standard magazine and Yahoo News. She has received a fellowship from FRQSC for a project titled, Math is for boys, language is for girls: How parents’ gender stereotypes affect students’ education, in which she will investigate how gender stereotypes about school subjects and beliefs about gender roles combine to influence the educational outcomes and choices of both boys and girls. The COVID-19 pandemic has also provided a unique opportunity to study students’ resilience in the face of global crisis and disruption to traditional schooling, and she is preparing to present findings from a longitudinal dataset of secondary students’ academic motivation and mental health from before the pandemic through the initial spring 2020 lockdown.
- 2018: Ph.D. Psychology, University of Alberta
- 2013: M.Sc. Psychology, University of Alberta
- 2007: B.A. (Honors), University of Delaware, cum laude
Bérubé-Deschênes, N., Plante, I., Gauthier, E., Chaffee, K.E., & McKinley S.J. (2021). Les stéréotypes de genre à l’école. In K. Faniko & B. Dardenne (Eds.), Psychologie sociale du sexisme et du harcèlement sexuel. De Boeck.
Chacon, Y., Chaffee, K. E., Plante, I. & Véronneau, M.-H. (2021, May). Différences de genre dans le lien entre la pression parentale et les aspirations scolaires en 5e année du secondaire. Poster presented at the 88th congrès de l'ACFAS, Sherbrooke, QC.
Plante, I., Gauthier, E., & Chaffee, K. E. (2021, May). Le désengagement scolaire des garçons dans le passage du primaire au secondaire. Paper presented at the 88th congrès de l’ACFAS, Sherbrooke. QC.
Chaffee, K. E. Lou, N. M & Noels, K. A. (2020). Does stereotype threat affect men in language domains? Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01302
Chaffee, K. E., Lou, N. M, Noels, K. A., & Katz, J. W. (2020). Why don’t “real men” learn languages? Masculinity threat and gender ideology suppress men’s language learning motivation. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23(2), 301–318. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430219835025
Noels, K.A., Lou, N.M., Vargas-Lascano, D. I., Chaffee, K. E., Dincer, A., Zhang, Y.S.D, & Zhang, X. (2020). Self-determination and motivated engagement in language learning. In M. Lamb, K. Cziser, A. Henry, & S. Ryan (Eds.). Handbook of Motivation for Language Learning (pp. 1-10). Palgrave MacMillan.
Chaffee, K. E. (2019, April 29). Traditional masculinity may keep English-speaking men from studying new languages. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/traditional-masculinity-may-keep-english-speaking-men-from-studying-new-languages-112788
Chaffee, K. E., Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2018, June). Understanding men’s underrepresentation in foreign language classes. Paper presented in the invited symposium K. E. Chaffee (chair) Gender and Language at the 16th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Edmonton, AB.
Chaffee, K. E., Lou, N. M., & Noels, K. A. (2018, March). Where are the men in foreign language classes? Traditional gender beliefs limit men’s educational choices. Poster presented at annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, GA.
Lou, N. M., Chaffee, K. E., Vargas-Lascano, D. I., Dincer, A. & Noels, K. A. (2017). Complementary perspectives on autonomy in self-determination theory (SDT) and language learner autonomy (LLA). TESOL Quarterly. http://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.403
Noels, K. A., Chaffee, K. E., Lou, N. M, & Dincer, A. (2016). Self-determination, engagement, and identity in learning German: Some directions in the psychology of language learning motivation. Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 45(2),12–29.
Chaffee, K. E., Noels, K. A., & McEown, M. S. (2014). Learning from authoritarian teachers: Controlling the situation or controlling yourself can sustain motivation. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2), 355–387. https://doi.org/10.14746/ssllt.2014.4.2.9