Wayne Brake lab tour
Andrew Duncan (undergraduate 311) dissects prefrontal cortex to run a Western blot for synaptic proteins.
Catherine Loiselle (undergraduate 311) estimates estrous cycle in female rats by looking at smears under the microscope.
Dema Hussain (undergraduate honours) places a rat in the t-maze in search of the elusive Froot Loop!
Jeff Nador (undergraduate volunteer) is bonding with a rat - trying to steal its Froot Loops!
Matthew Quinlan (Ph.D. candidate) adjusts his mobile phase for HPLC detection of catecholamines in his microdialysis samples.
Nicole Graffe (undergraduate 311) slices brains to determine the effects of Ritalin on Fos expression.
Varuni Bentotage (undergraduate 311) centrifuges her plasma samples in preparation to measure estrogen levels in her female rats.