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E-waste at Concordia

Concordia offers electronic waste recycling to both on-campus departments and the community at large. Learn what is and isn't accepted and download our handy one-page guide.

Types of e-waste collected

Toner cartridges

Toner cartridge icon

Concordia Offices
Toner cartridges from internal Xerox machines are collected by DPrint. Contact x2400 for pick-up. Label boxes to: DPrint, The Print Store in LB-089.

Look up your nearest Eco-Centre for a convenient location to recycle toner cartridges.


Battery icon

Drop off batteries at the following locations:

Sir George Williams Campus

Loyola Campus

To set up a battery collection box at your office contact
When the box is full and ready for pick-up call 514-848-2424, ext. 2400

Visit Call2Recycle for off-campus battery recycling locations.

CFL Bulbs

CFL lightbulb icon

When CFL bulbs are recycled, the glass is salvaged while the mercury content is safely disposed.  

Contact 514-848-2424, ext. 2400 when full for pick-up to dispose of CFL bulbs on campus. 

Visit RecycFluo to find a drop-off site nearest to you.

Incandescent bulbs

Incandescent lightbulb icon

These bulbs cannot be recycled. Safely dispose of them in the trash by wrapping them in a protective material such as several layers of newspaper.

Desktops, monitors, laptops and other large e-waste

Monitor and desktop icon

On-campus — Concordia Offices
Contact the IITS service desk at 514-848-2424, ext. 7613 or to submit a request to discard equipment. Usable items will be wiped and reused internally or donated. Unusable items will be sent out for certified e-waste recycling.

Bi-annual on-campus large e-waste collection
Concordia organizes collection events each fall and spring for large e-waste. Stay tuned for a regular schedule to be posted.

Look up your nearest Eco-Centre for a convenient location to recycle large e-waste.

Ink cartridges and small electronics

Small electronics icon


Beginning in January 2025, those looking to recycle ink cartridges and small electronics must create a work order through x2400 or email

Visit Electrobac's website to find an off-campus Electrobac near you.

Corroded and other hazardous items

Do you have corroded batteries or other items you believe may be hazardous? Check out the hazardous waste disposal page for procedures or contact

Look up your nearest Eco-Centre for a convenient location to dispose of hazardous materials.

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